Chapter 28

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Serendipity POV (again)

"Little witch! Wake up!" Comes a shout from the other side of my bedroom door. 

"Nooooooooo," I moan, rolling over. 

"We're going to be late!" Late for what. I'm tired. 


"Serendipity! Don't make me come in there!" 

"Uuuuggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fine," I groan, rolling off the side of the bed and landing with a loud thump. I stagger to my feet, stumbling towards the door. I pull it open, barely standing. 

"Good morning, gorgeous, Loki says, deadpan. 

"Give me a reason to not shove you into the pool right now."

"You love me?" 

I raise an eyebrow

"We have a meeting in..." He consults the clock on my dresser. "Seven minutes?" 

"WHAT?! Why didn't you tell me??!" I shout, running around my room looking for clothes and a comb. 

"I tried!" Loki throws his hands up in exasperation, now facing away from me as I wrestle with pants. 

"Ok, ok, let's go!" I grab Loki's hand as I run past him. I drop it as we go through the security checkpoint, and then start combing my hair as we run to the meeting. Once it's better enough, I hold my comb out to Loki.

"Can you-"

"Gladly," He says, vanishing the comb in a puff of green smoke before I can even ask. I pull my hair into a braid, wrapping it around itself and stuffing a handful of pins into place. 

"Your shirt is inside out." Loki says, not even glancing at me. I mutter a curse in a slew of languages, taking it off and fixing it. I don't even like wearing shirts. 

"Why do you get to look so put together?" I ask, jealous. 

"It's this magic human invention called an alarm clock," Loki says, and I can't tell if he's being sarcastic or not. 

I start scanning door numbers as we go around another corner. 

"Hey, it's this one," I say, grabbing the edge of Loki's shirt, which I realize is armor. He stops, giving me a smile before opening the door with a flourish. 

"M'lady," I laugh, and step into the room. The moment the door clicks shut the clock on the opposite wall turns to 7. Glancing around the room, the mood is very different. My smile disappears faster than cookies found by a child. 

Loki and I timidly take the last two seats, which are on opposite ends of the table. 

"Alright," Fury says. "Let's get started." 

"So you just want us to go there, take the glowy stick, and bring it back?" Tony says, summarizing two hours' worth of briefing into one sentence. Fury grunts, but agrees. 

"Just to clarify," Loki asks. "When are we departing?" 

"10 minutes ago, grab your gear and meet on deck." Fury responds, marching out. Everyone leaves besides Loki and me. I look at him across the table before he jumps up and says 

"Race you to our hall!" I jump out of my seat, giving chase, but I realize fairly quickly that he's going to beat me. I smirk, and dash into the mess hall. I head over to the water tanks and let a small amount drip into my hand. I close my eyes and focus on my pool. I think about the room and the temperature of the water, down to the pattern on the tiles. I feel a jerk, and then I'm submerged in water. 

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