XVIII. Well, Well, Well

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The last place we needed to look was under Mrs. Crain's house. Which was a million times creepier than being outside of the house. This place just looked like somewhere someone would get murdered. If she was going to hide bodies somewhere on the property it surely would be here...

    To make things worse, JJ decided this was the best time to start signing to Mrs. Crain remix of the Itsy Bitsy Spider, "Down came Mrs. Crain and cut off all our heads. Up came the sun and dried up all the blood."

    "I swear to god JJ I'm going to kill you." Ashtyn muttered as we followed behind my blonde boyfriend who was annoying her just as much as he was annoying me.

"Not if I get to him first" I chuckle, agreeing with the brunette girl. During times like this, she was always good for throwing a few snarky or sarcastic comments, which I greatly appreciated to lighten my mood a bit.

"Tag team?" She asked, letting out a small laugh.

"Oh yeah." I agreed, sharing a high five with her before returning back to the treasure hunt before John B decided to yell at us again for putting our attention elsewhere. Pretty soon he was going to become like a drill sergeant if we didn't find this gold. But, if we're all putting our lives on the line for him, he should be more grateful for even a second of our attention.

Kiara continued to wander around the small room, still ignoring everyone else, "See any water? Another dead end?"

"There's not even water on the pipes." JJ says, his hands running against the pipes. They were as solid as stone. It was clear that there was no water in them.

"There's no water here." I shrugged, realizing that this could've been another dead end. There's probably a million other stone walls on the island that the map could be referring too. We were all just dumb enough to go to the one that belonged to a murderer.

JJ moves closer to me, seemingly deciding to give up his search around the room, "Not a dropamino."

"If an unwashed old lady comes down here to kill us, I'm feeding you to her first, JJ." Luke scoffs, crossing his arms as he looks around the room. No water in the pipes meant that Mrs. Crain hadn't showered or bathed in forever, which was almost as scary as the idea of her coming down here to kill us.

"Don't worry, she'd spit him right back out." I laugh, trying to poke at JJ a little more. I always get a kick out of his reaction whenever I am able to put a little dig in at him.

"Know why we didn't find it? Bad karma" Kiara shouted, throwing her hands up in the air. She was still upset earlier and would do anything to get her point across that she was trying to be the alpha female of the group. Kiara really wasn't going to give up until she got her own way.

"Oh god, here we go." John B sighs, rolling his eyes at another one of his best friend's outbursts.

Ashytn joins in, trying to stop Kiara from starting this again and saying another thing she doesn't mean. "Kiara stop."

"She's not bad Karma." Luke mutters, obviously eager to defend Sarah once again.

The girl's done enough damage today why couldn't she just cut it out for a little while. She was being the number one cause of drama for today and I was about out of energy for this today. If she made one more comment about JJ, Ashtyn, or Luke I was about ready to punch her.

"Ugh, I'm not listening to this. Come on guys." I whisper, pulling JJ's and Pope's arms towards the other side of the room.

"Does Kiara have a stop button I can hit to shut her up for a little while?" I snicker, continuing to pull the two boys so we could actually focus on the treasure hunt while the four of them can have their own moment for once.

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