XXVI. We Are Young

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When we arrived back at the Chateau, it was late, but that didn't stop us from celebrating. Even though people have been searching for centuries, we found the gold. A group of teenagers found the gold. It sounded impossible, but it was true. We were on top of the world. It felt as though nothing could get in our way now.

Although we'd only been back for an hour, Sarah was drunk. She seemed like an exact replica of the very high blonde girl that Ashtyn, Kiara, and I witness on the boat. "Hey guys, what's it like to stand when you pee? That seems so cool." She giggles before turning her attention to Luke, "Luke, imagine how cool it would be if I stood up when I peed. We could pee together!"

"Dude, what the hell did you do to your girlfriend?" Pope asked, a very concerned look on his face. This was his first time witnessing what the blonde was like whenever she was under the influence.

"Welcome to what it was like that night on the boat." Kiara says, rolling her eyes at Sarah. The dark haired girl shifts her weight at the reminder of our joyous night on the boat. Although it was a shit show, without it, we'd never be sitting her right now.

JJ has a huge smile plastered on his face as he pats Luke on the back, "Whatever the fuck you did to Sarah is hella cool." It wasn't a surprise that JJ would find Sarah's state amusing.

"Just for the love of god don't give her your cousin's cripple. It only gets worse from here." I joke, joining JJ, Luke, and Sarah on the couch. I am immediately greeted by JJ's arm wrapping around my shoulder. This was a quick reminder that the two of us had barely spent any time together today. I was longing for some alone time with him.

"I didn't do anything to her. She's just a lightweight." Luke says, his eyes locked on his blonde girlfriend. After my talk with him tonight, I have a much better understanding of his relationship with Sarah. I could see it in the way he looked at her, that he'd do anything for her.

"I wanna see that. Give her the cripple." John B urges, as he runs his hands through his wet hair. Thankfully, John had gotten a shower to remove whatever the hell was on him from rolling around in the well. I don't think any of us could've stood that smell for much longer.

"NO!" Kiara, Ashtyn, and I shout in unison. The three of us knew that would be a horrible idea. Sarah was already drunk enough as it is. Who knew what would happen to her if she took a hit of the cripple once again. I think we were in agreement that would not be a good outcome.

"Come on guys, I'm not that bad..." Sarah lets out a small burp. Her small hand covers her mouth when she realizes what she's done.

"Okay then, Sarah. Would you rather have nipples for eyes or eyes for nipples?" Ashtyn questions her friend while also reminding us of the 'would you rather' question that Sarah tried to ask us before.

Sarah didn't answer, instead JJ jumped. His enthusiasm only started to grow stronger, "Nipples for eyes."

John B nods his head, "Agreed."

The two boys immediately begin to cheer each other on. I never understood how the two of them had so much energy when they are together. They were like children who constantly egged each other on in every situation.

"Did you two not pay attention to anatomy class?" Pope mutters, looking at the two of them in disgust. His dark eyes moving back and forth between his two best friends.

"When was anatomy class?" JJ asks, throwing his head towards John B. The blonde had a very confused look on his face. I only assumed that it meant that he had no recollection of taking that class. I'm not surprised though.

"We skipped it to surf, JJ." John B whispers. I'm also not surprised about that. I didn't go to school with John B and JJ, but oftentimes during lunch, I'd see the two of them down by the beach surfing together when they were meant to be in class.

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