XX. Bridge Over Troubled Waters

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"Emerson, you're lucky your parents wouldn't stop talking. If I ever have to hear your Mom say one more thing about her keto diet, I might cut my ears off." Pope mumbles, jumping on the HMS Pogue where JJ and I waited for him. We'd been out of my room for the last twenty minutes until Pope finally decided to join us. Lucky for us, Pope did a great job at distracting my parents. 

"Imagine having to listen to that everyday, buddy." I say, patting the boy on the back as he sits down next to me. He definitely looked like he was contemplating jumping off the boat into the water. The boy just had to trudge through Midsummers and then an hour of stalling my parents in two days. That was an intense amount of Kook interaction for him. It seemed like he was regretting coming with us. "I have no doubts that you'll recover."

Pope lowered his head into his hands and sighed, "You guys owe me big time."

From the driver's seat JJ laughed at his friend and shook his head at the claim, "Consider it payback for taking the fall for you, dude."

JJ was right, he'd taken the fall for Pope. This was the least he could do to pay back JJ for what he did. The boy basically saved his friend's life. Now JJ owed $30,000 in restitution to the Thorton Family and Pope got off skate free. I did know one thing though, Pope was always going to feel bad for what JJ did for him.

I turned my attention away from the boys and towards my house beginning to fade in the distance. With a swift motion a stuck my middle finger in the air at the house. I didn't have any intention of going back. I had no plans on what to do if we didn't find the gold, but surely JJ and I would figure something out. I would probably just follow his lead on where he was staying. But I'd always be running from my parents.

"If my mother wishes she had a different daughter, then her wish is my command. She can go find another one for all I care." I yell, holding my finger up in the air higher. "I'm done with this Kook bullshit."

"Welcome to Pogue lyfe, baby." JJ shouted, turning to flick off my house in the distance too. Both shared a smile as I stood up to join him at the driver's seat. I rested my hand on the guy's shoulder as he continued to drive the boat towards the Chateau. 

I knew he would be very happy that I was denouncing Kook life to join him and the Pogues. After everything that's happened these last couple days, I honestly would go anywhere with him. I didn't care what happened at this point as long as we were together.

"I'm still not used to the idea of you guys being together." Pope commented, watching JJ and I's interaction a few feet away from him. "To be honest I never thought I'd see the day where JJ Maybank actually got a girlfriend."

"Shut up, Pope. You're just jealous you aren't getting any right now and everyone else is." JJ chimed, placing his free hand on top of mine.

I let out a small laugh thinking about the night I saw Pope watching Kiara dance with John B at The Wreck, "JJ, you know Pope's in love with Kiara right? Whenever he looks at her, his eyes fill up with big hearts. You're so into her, just admit it, Pope."

"Shut up, Emerson." Pope raises his voice defensively snapping his head back and forth between JJ and I, "What do you know? You didn't even know JJ was in love with you your entire life. How would you know that I liked Kiara."

"See. This is exactly how I know he's in love with her. He wouldn't get this defensive about it if he wasn't." I chuckle, watching Pope continue to try and play it cool when I know he is lying to himself.

"Pope, just admit it man. We've all had a thing for Kiara at one point. You don't have to hide it." JJ responds, trying to get his friend to tell us the truth. I knew that all the Pogue boys had a thing for Kiara before, but hearing JJ say it out loud made me a little bit jealous. I try to shake it off, I have nothing to be worried about. He wouldn't have told me he loved me if he didn't mean it. JJ wasn't the type to do something like that. 

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