Chapter Six

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Kam sprinted to his shop and grabbed as much gear and snacks as he could fit in a large duffel bag. Whatever was in the shop that he thought may be of value was scooped into the bag. He was in and out in under two minutes. Wheeling the gear on a dolly, Kam returned to Mr. Simpson's vessel where he was helped aboard.

"I brought some supplies," Kam said.

"Perfect, we can never have enough supplies."

Once everything was loaded onto the boat, they left the harbour and set off into the open Atlantic. The ocean was littered with vessels all heading in the same direction as everyone and their neighbour was piling onto someone's boat for refuge. With untold deaths and destruction, Kam knew things would never be the same.

"What the hell is going on?" Kam said still in shock and trying to process it all. "It feels like we're in movie or something," Kam said, recounting his experience. "It's hard for my brain to comprehend that this is actually happening. It feels so surreal."

"We're just lucky to be alive," Bill responded.

"I'm not sure we're the lucky ones," Nancy said. "Something tells me what's to come is going to be very unpleasant, to put it lightly."

"What do you mean?" Kam asked.

"The world as we know it will never be the same. The comforts of life that we all once enjoyed... those are things of the past. I suspect there will be a lot more suffering, and we're going to see the worst parts of humanity come out."

"Thanks so much for picking me up," Kam said, almost as if he wanted to change subjects and not think about the truth of Nancy's statement.

"Don't mention it," Bill said.

The further they got from the mainland, the boats eventually thinned out.

"Nancy, would you mind checking the internet — see what information you can find out about all this?"

Nancy removed a laptop from a nearby bag and flipped it open. There weren't many photos or reliable accounts of actual destruction since anybody in the vicinity was likely dead or fleeing themselves. Although, there were some headlines that ranged from, 'Judgement Day for America' to 'America the Great has Fallen.' There were even a few saying, 'Aliens Invade: American Suffers Wrath of Targeted Attack.'

"Anything useful in the news, babe?" Bill asked.

"Is that a trick question?" Nancy replied.

"I admit the news isn't the most reliable source, but it's all we have for now. How about Twitter?"

As Nancy began to dive deeper, she was speechless, placing her hand over her mouth.

"What is it?" Kam asked, moving over to get a better view of the screen.

Countless images and video surfaced of meteor impacts destroying major cities from coast to coast. Los Angeles and San Francisco were nearly wiped off the map, as was New York and Chicago. Vancouver, Canada had also been swallowed by a giant tsunami. Toronto was in flames. Alaska and Florida had mostly been consumed by floods.

"Type in 'Live Earth satellite view'," Bill instructed.

They all huddled around the screen, watching a live feed of Earth. All over the world were meteor impacts. No place was safe. America was completely destroyed, including South America. They clicked on different feeds. Most of Europe was billowing in smoke and the coastlines were beginning to vanish due to flooding. Same with Asia, Russia, Australia... it appeared the world was indeed under attack.

"I can't believe what I'm seeing," Bill said.

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