Chapter Seventeen

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Kam had been passed out for several hours, but on occasion would awake from severe contractions in his stomach caused by hunger. The headaches were also something he had been fighting through. Ever since he had been spotted at sea and pulled into a boat, he was feeling better. Looking around the small confines of the boat he was on, Kam figured he had been rescued by some fishermen. He concluded that he must be near land. As much as he loved the water, he was ready to be on solid ground.

A man, who spoke in a foreign language, was tending to him, giving him small amounts of food and water every couple of hours. After, Kam would lay in his cot, covered by a warm blanket, and catch up on some much-needed rest. The small boat rocked him back to a deep slumber.

Upon sleeping for over eight hours, Kam was awoken by a jolt. He opened his eyes and saw two men speaking aggressively to each other. He couldn't understand a word they were saying, but figured it was about him.

Kam had to pee badly. He spotted a small door, which he assumed was a bathroom. Pulling back the covers, he realized that his wrists and ankles were bound with rope. Confused, he immediately changed his opinion about the men. Using his mouth, he bit at the tight knots in an effort to free himself. Just then, one of the men came in and struck Kam across the face.

Kam put his hands up to prevent another attack. "What are you doing?" Kam asked. "Untie me!"

The man didn't seem to speak English as he was barking orders at him.

"English," Kam said. "I don't understand what you're saying."

The large man withdrew the blanket aggressively and grabbed Kam, pulling him to his feet. He led Kam to the back of the boat. Kam hadn't stood on his feet in nearly two days, and his feet were bound, making it quite difficult for him to stand on his own. Without the assistance of his captor, he would have surely fallen over.

Now exposed to the open air, Kam could see land in the distance. The small boat bobbed up and down as it made its way closer to the shore.

"Africa?" Kam asked.

The large man didn't respond, instead he shoved Kam so hard that he toppled over. Unsure what was in store for him, all he could do was wait.

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