Chapter Fifty-One

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Ukari and a group of Christians had established a little village, a place they could call home. It had been weeks since Kam arrived and he was making progress in strides with his memory and identity.

In the following months, Ukari was so nurturing toward Kam, treating him like her husband. It was what she had always wanted. Without anything else to anchor him or his thoughts, Kam leaned into the relationship and used it as a crutch.

He was almost a blank slate and had a childlike sense of wonder about his environment. Ukari was shaping him into a different man — one that was free from any burdens that once shackled him, any painful memories that had caused him to suffer, and any thoughts and beliefs that had defined him. He was a new man, a different person with an entirely new set of desires and values.

Other parts of his brain were seemingly unaffected such as his speech, his ability to recognize social etiquette, how to walk, and perform certain physical tasks. Whatever advanced technology that was used on him had hit delete on a lot of his files, but not all. Kam had no idea what had happened to him and had no recollection of any events leading up until the moment he was found. Perhaps serving her own interest, Ukari didn't fill him in on any details such as the secret city or Cara. According to her, that was from a past life and was no longer relevant. She thought his memory wipe was another gift from God.

She loved him and he was beginning to love her. She spent nearly every hour with him, teaching him language, and how to use certain tools. She taught him scripture and together they all sang songs. She explained the world and his place in it, who he was before the memory wipe.

Holding hands, Ukari leaned over and kissed him.

"I have an amazing day planned for us," Ukari said. "It's a bit of a trek, but if you're up for it, I want to bring you to waterfall that pours into a small lake. The water is calm and cool so it will feel good to get in after a long day. I have a feeling you're going to like being in the water."

"Sounds great," Kam said. "When do we leave?"

"Let me just ask a few others if they would like to join us. It's always better to go in a large group."


As Ukari went around the village, a newcomer showed up. Kam looked at her, but had no recollection who it was. It was also the first time in his recent memory that he had seen a Caucasian girl with blonde hair before. She was with a young Asian girl.

"I didn't think I would find you," the blonde girl said. She removed her backpack and took out a small metallic device. "I heard what happened to you and I'm here to restore your memory."

--The End--

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