Chapter Forty

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Tau sat alone, everyone was afraid of him. Kam walked over with a plate of food.

"Here," Kam said, setting the plate down and sliding it over. Tau looked at the food and then back at Kam. Picking up the fork, he nodded as if to say thank you. Kam walked away, returning to Bill.

"So what's the plan here, Kam?" Bill asked.

"I'd like to find my girl," Kam said. "She's out there somewhere and I won't give up looking for her. When I was in that slave camp, the only thing that got me through was thinking about her... that smile, her long flowing blonde hair, the way she smells..."

"Not for nothing, Kam, but a lot of women have those qualities," Bill said. "What makes her special?"

"It's a feeling, you know?"

"She's the one?"

"I think so."

"Have you ever been in love before?"


"Prior to this whole... situation, how long had you two been dating?"

"A few weeks, maybe a month."

"Listen, Kam. We all need a purpose in life, and that's great that you found someone to give you that purpose. But, I care about you and I don't want to see you get hurt."

"How will I get hurt?" Kam asked.

"It sounds to me like you are infatuated with her," Bill said. "But don't confuse infatuation with love. They are different. The things you say when you describe her are very superficial — her smile, her hair, the way she smells — that isn't love. Love is deeper than the way a person looks. Love is imperfect. Love is complete. Love is acceptance. Love is sacrifice. When you truly get to know someone and all their flaws, but you still love them no matter what, that is love."

Kam didn't respond, he just let the words sink in.

"How well do you really know this girl? What are her hopes and dreams? What does she like and dislike? What does she do when she gets mad or doesn't get her way? How do you two resolve conflict?"

Kam was at a loss for words.

"I don't mean to take the wind out of your sail. You needed a purpose, a reason to live and continue to fight, and she became that thing for you. In the absence of security, in a quest for belonging, this pretty blond girl from a wealthy family was what you created in your mind as the type of girl who would give your life greater meaning and status. But is she really the one? Do you guys have that undying love – the kind of love you read about? Be mindful of these traps the mind sets for us. I will always look out for you, Kam. There's a chance she has moved on, or is not in it the way you are, or is not the person you've built her up to be. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"I understand what you're saying, but I still have to see this through."

"You have an intensity and focus to pursue a dream like no one I have ever met. It brought you to the highest level of competition, and you won. So perhaps I'm foolish to think that I would be able to divert you off your focus. I was only trying to look out for your best interest."

"I appreciate that, Bill."

Kam saw people walking around, going about their day. Some of the kids in the tribe wanted Kam to play football with them, but he wanted to check in on Tau. He looked over at the picnic table in which Tau had been sitting, but it was empty. Scanning the busy crowd, Kam could not see the giant Congolese man.

"Hey, has anyone seen the large man?" Kam asked in a panic. Picking up his pace, Kam ran through the crowd until he reached the table. There on the ground where a pile of chains and a bent fork. Kam looked in all directions, but couldn't see which direction Tau had gone.

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