#2 Prepare for her to touch you.

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I tried to make it through the day without the darkness consuming me but I lasted one hour, fifteen minutes. My mind kept going back to that stupid dream, his ugly face when he enjoyed what I was doing and his spiky facial hair that made him look rough and unkempt. The evil eyes that ripped into my clothes, undressing me whenever I would try to refuse like my reluctancy turned him on even more.

My fingers twitched and I was losing my shit, anyone who looked at me even slightly wrong was going to get it and I really didn't want that to happen, again. My agitated hands tapped against the desk uncontrollably as I tried to focus my thoughts on the beat I was creating.

"Hey Liam." Jennifer, I think said. She made her lips look extra pouty and I knew she was in a flirty mood.

"Hey, you wanna hook up?" I shocked Jennifer with my forwardness but I wasn't in the mood for small talk, that is what she is here for anyway.

She wasn't even that hot but she'll do. Her hair was a dull shade of orange and it appeared like it used to be more vibrant but it had faded with time. She had very full lips and wore the brightest shade of red lipstick, it kind of clashed with her hair and I definitely did not want to kiss her. Her figure was probably quite slim but she wore clothes that made her look frumpy. I admired that she wasn't one of these girls that tried hard on the first day back after summer.

"uh sure." Jennifer tucked her amber hair behind her ears shyly and I rolled my eyes.

We managed to escape the classroom when Mr Morris wasn't watching and Jennifer followed behind me with a merry skip to her step. She was awkward and didn't really know how to act but I knew she wasn't a virgin so I don't know what her problem was but either way I didn't care. I brought her to the teachers lounge because I knew the facility would be teaching in classrooms right now, I've used the teachers lounge a few times before.

Jennifer however wouldn't pull her eyes away from scanning the room, so I guess it was her first time in here. It's nothing special just a few comfortable chairs and coffee machines. Each teacher had a pigeon hole where they kept their messages and I must admit I've left a few anonymous notes in there myself. Jennifer took too long admiring her surroundings, it irritated me because I just needed to throw my emotions into her and clear my mind.

"So shall we do this then?" I asked getting inpatient now as my whole body felt tense.

"Yeah, you want to go on the top or the bottom?" Jennifer asked, pointing over at the chairs.

I inhaled and held it in for a long time, pushing that intruding thought out of my mind.

"We'll do it against this wall, quickly so nobody catches us, we don't have long." I said with a serious expression, Jennifer nodded so I think she bought my reasoning.

Prepare for her to touch you, Liam.

Jennifer grabbed my biceps and I swallowed the darkness back down, his accent rolled around my mind, so clear and loud like he was in the room with me. I buried my head into her neck, trying to give her something without touching those horrid red lips. She moaned out loud and I grabbed her leg up higher, clearing the way for my access.

"Touch it." he said with his evil eyes stripping me of my freedom.

Don't think of him, Liam.

Her hands gripped tighter as she used me to keep her balance and the lump in my throat grew bigger, tearing me up from the inside.

Think of her. Think of her.

Think of her vibrant green eyes and the way small dimples appear on her cheeks when she smiles, even if it's not that huge natural smile she wears when she's truly happy. The one that shows her wisdom teeth. The way her blonde hair looks so silky and soft that I get urges to run my fingers through it every time I see her. Her natural beauty that radiates from her when she has no idea I'm watching. The way she has the power to make me feel safe, even when she hates me.

With a few more thrusts in and out of Jennifer I reach my end, getting what I needed. A distraction. Her lipstick still fully in tact. Her face looked like she expected a lot more of me but I'm Liam Maines, I'm not here to please a girl. My dark thoughts had subsided. My body released this tension I've been carrying around since I woke up this morning and for the first time in hours I could actually think clearly without being pulled in by the negativity of my own mind.

"Thanks. I'll see you around." I concluded, letting her know we were done here.

Jennifer gathered her modesty and left the teachers lounge looking a little flushed and frustrated. Before leaving I noticed the coffee pot sitting on the side and I just couldn't help myself. With a sly smile I tipped in the contents of my crushed LSD tablets giving it a mix and making sure it was fully dissolved. Once I was satisfied I made myself scarce.


The buzz around school was insane, I had been called in the Principal's office because he was sure I had something do with the spiking, I guess rumours fly when you fuck a loudmouth at the scene of the crime. They had no proof though so there wasn't anything they could do about it. Apparently they sent one teacher home and drug tested everyone else.

"Can't believe you wasted your stash on the teachers man." Jordan said with sigh.

"I can get more, I know a guy." I admitted.

I lit up my cigarette, positioning myself next to the open window on the second floor bathroom. I didn't want to set the fire alarms off again.

"Should of seen Mr Cavin trying to teach history, he thought we were all bananas inside a fruit bowl. It was hilarious, everyone got videos on their phone." Zak said, he was lucky enough to get front row seats.

"What should you all be in now?" Ben asked looking at his time table, obviously secretly worrying about being late but he would never admit that.

"Me and Zak are in Math, what about you Liam?" Jordan said taking another puff of his cigarette.

"Psychology with Mr Hibbert." I said.

We finished smoking our cigarettes and lingered for a little while longer before all breaking up and heading in our own seperate directions. Nothing important happens in psychology anyway so I know I wouldn't be missing much. I paced through the corridors of the school leisurely, stopping off at my locker so I could spray away the stale stench of smoke with my aerosol and then finally I reached my classroom.

As I walked in everyone turned their attention towards me, great. Mr Hibbert looked pissed, his face becoming redder and redder as the irritation grew. Even his bald head was changing colour, it was fascinating really.

"Liam Maines, Class started ten minutes ago, why are you late?" I hated how he used my full name to try and make a big impact, it never worked because I was too busy admiring the different shades his shiny head was turning, like a mood stone.

"Was smoking in the bathroom." I said honestly, because there was no point in lying and I was actually curious if I could get his head to turn any darker.

Mr Hibbert challenged me to a glare and I wasn't one to back down. His face was a delightful shade of burgundy, it spread up to his head and blended with the frame of his glasses. A tomato floating on top of a small, round body. He said nothing but glared at me through narrow eyes, I said nothing back, matching his gaze. The air smelt of awkwardness until he finally gave in and told me to take a seat.

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