#18 Liam you son of a bitch.

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She held me close, I could feel her heart beating through skin of my chest. Matching my own as her warm hands glided over my naked back. Her touch was welcome, necessary and wanted. I wasn't afraid, not with her. Not right now. Her closeness extinguished all of my demons and left an unusual feeling of happiness and safety behind. 

"Liam you son of bitch" 

I heard ripping through my dreams, taking away my only way of experiencing intimacy. I ignored  him and kept my eyes tightly shut even though I was fully awake. In an unexpected motion a cloud burst above my head releasing a downpour of ice cold water in the bucket load.

I sat up quick, struggling to catch my breath as water clogged up in my nostrils, ears and throat. Restricting three of my senses. Jax stood over my bed holding a black bucket in one of his hands an evil expression across his face. As I wiped away the droplets that ran down my face I felt sharp thud against my head, knowing he threw the bucket at me.

"Fooking get up and get out. I've got a client coming round for that whore. Gonna pay big bucks and I'm not chancing him calling CPS if he sees you." 

I sat a little disoriented for a moment which infuriated Jax, he gripped his claws into the skin of my bare shoulder and attempted to drag me out the bed. I willingly stood just to get away from his grasp. I gathered up some clothes and left quickly before a fight could break out. 

It was really early, four AM. Too early for school and too early to bother Jordan so there was only one place to go. The tree house, to her. The air was really sticky and humid, not pleasant to walk through at all and the clothes I picked out in a hurry were not suited to this climate. I climbed up the cedar planks, feeling the wetness of the wood from the damp air. It made everything smell stronger and more Earthy, I kind of liked it.

I threw in my earphones and shut out the world. Eating a sports bar for breakfast and watching the sun wake up around me. My mind floated back to my dream, the one I was having before Jax stole it from me. In dream world it felt amazing to have her close to me, touching me but I knew in reality that wasn't possible. Olivia consumed most of my thoughts, I used her as way to get take away my fears and it worked. But I couldn't rely on her, she's already disappeared once before she could again, at any moment. She was like a drug that I was addicted to and needed to wean myself off. 

Says the guy currently sitting in her treehouse.

I picked up my phone and swiped through my pictures, grimacing at every single one. I put it back down, facing the screen to the floor. She wouldn't want me anyway, I'm far too damaged. 

I left the treehouse around seven and just lingered nearby waiting for Jordan to pick me up. When we arrived at school I headed straight for the showers, thankful for the spare shower gel and toothbrush I keep in my gym locker. After all this is not my first rodeo. 


I had literally counted down the minutes of the day waiting for this moment, psychology. I ditched my last lesson so just so I could turn up really early. I took my seat and decided to sketch her a little image, anything to try and see that beautiful smile. 

Ripping out some paper from my notebook I got my biro to work drawing shapes and lines, using Mr Hibbert as my model. I was almost done when a slight breeze brought the heavenly scent of cocoa butter and coconut my way. She was here. I covered my drawing with my elbows and slid it across the table, away from her prying eyes. 

"What you got there?" she asked suspiciously, trying to catch a peek.

"You can't see it." I said wearing a stupid grin, the one she brings out in me often.

BAD BOY ABUSED (male pov)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora