#24 Anyone else feel cold?

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Jordan pulled up honking his horn at six forty five in the morning, my heart raced in case he woke up Jax, so far this morning I have managed to go unscathed. When I opened the front door he had his head stuck out the window beckoning me over with his arms.

"Party wweeeeeeekkkkkkk" he shouted out at me, I rolled my eyes, ignoring him and climbing into his car. It was too early to be this enthusiastic. I dumped my duffel bag on his back seat and cranked my window down to let the booming beats of his stereo escape into the fresh air.

"You're such a crank when you're tired but don't worry, I heard a rumor that might cheer you up." He plastered a sly smirk across his lips and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What rumor?" I asked, hating that I was buying into his teasing.

"You'll see." He concluded, giving nothing away.

We pulled up outside the store, meeting Zak and Ben who were already waiting for us. We walked down the aisles searching for alcohol to bring. We chose a fruity Kopparberg and bought a few of the large crates to tie us over. It took us a while to split the bottles between each of our duffels and the spare duffels that we brought with us.

"They're calling me." Jordan said glancing at his phone.

"I've got three missed calls as well." Zak informed us.

"Text Tash and tell her we're at the store and to stall them." Ben told Zak.

"They don't need stalling, they won't leave without us." Jordan said, so sure of himself.

When we pulled up at school the bus was already there waiting for us, as it should be because we were half an hour late. When we finally rolled up next to the bus, relief washed over our coaches face and Jordan raised an eyebrow at us, silently telling us 'I told you so.'

We threw our duffels in the under compartment of the coach and then climbed aboard, welcomed by cheers and claps from everyone on board. Well, almost everyone.

As I walked down the aisle my eyes locked onto hers and in that moment time stood still. I kept my focus on her and I thought my eyes were lying to me. She looked so out of place and these sport weeks are for the soccer team and the cheerleaders, she wasn't a part of that so what was she doing here. This was meant to be my week to get over her, yet fate kept throwing us together and making it so much harder for me to pull away.

"What's she doing here?" I asked Jordan, not taking my eyes off her. She refused to look at me but I couldn't pull my eyes away. Jordan didn't answer me but he raised his eyebrows suggestively and I got the impression he had something to do with it, somehow.

I didn't know if I wanted to kiss him or kill him all I knew was I was about to spend the whole week with Olivia in a hotel and for some reason a slow, smile grew at that thought.

"You have thirty minutes here, eat, use the bathroom, shop just don't whatever you do be late coming back. I'm talking to you Peers, Adams, Milton and Maines." The sports weekend coordinator shouted down the megaphone after about two hours into our journey. We all rolled out the bus and headed towards the service station.

We headed to the coffee shop and sat at a table out the way of everyone. I ordered a flat white with two sugars and a croissant with ham and cheese inside since I skipped out on breakfast this morning. And listened to my friends as they discussed their party tactics, even though we do this every year. Coach lays down the rules because he has to but he never reinforces them, as if he would throw the match by sending one of his players home. He only cares when we party the night before the tournament because that affects our game.

"Liam, you wanna hear our plan?" Ruby approached our table, practically throwing her breasts in my face but I refused to give her the satisfaction of eye contact as I took sips of my coffee.

"Ugh, not really Ruby." I said honestly, because I didn't care. I just wanted her away from me because her closeness was making me tense.

"Natasha and Zak are going to share a room, that means I have a vacant bed in mine that could use a warm body." She trailed her finger up my arm and I moved away from her touch instantly. She was making my skin crawl. I looked around the table.

"Anyone else feel cold?" I said with a sly smirk that was returned by my friends who knew exactly what I was getting at.

She grabbed hold of my shoulder, craving my attention harder and I shrugged her off, moving even further away from her touch. She left burning boils on my skin under my jacket and I needed her away before the darkness started building.

"He's sharing with me Ruby." Jordan said firmly and her face dropped as she lowered her eyes into him like he was the devil.

"I'm gonna go browse the gift shop real quick." I announced as I wiped the crumbs off my t.shirt and stood up to get away from Ruby.

The gift shop literally sold crap that nobody would want but everybody buys. The shelves were high like a maze and it was good to hide away from the cheerleaders who felt like my body was theres to touch. I spent some time browsing the nick nacks on the shelves and spun a little world keyring around my finger but something much more interesting caught my eye in the candy section and I needed to go investigate further.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with a burning curiosity that I so badly needed to fulfill.

"Hello to you too." She replied cheekily, I wanted to kiss her.

What are you saying Liam?

"Hello. What are you doing here?" I pretended like I was annoyed but the butterflies were fluttering loose and I just longed to be close to her.

"I made the cheer squad." She said unexpectedly and I smiled like an idiot, I'm so happy she is here.

"I'm glad you're here." I said honestly, because I just needed to tell her.

"You are?" She seemed a little taken back but she blushed bright pink at my compliment and it was the sweetest thing.

"Yeah!" I said enthusiastically "You pick the best candy."

I dipped my fingers into her candy cup and pulled out a few cola bottles, placing them in my mouth and winking at her before walking off. This week is going to be an experience and I hope for both of our sakes it's a good one.

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