#50 Let her win this round Liam.

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My body was feeling much better now that I was dosed up on the strongest pain meds. I sat on the hood of the car watching her hips sway as she approached me, it was a magnificent sight.

"We will get a lift home off Jordan." I said turning my greedy eyes away from her and letting the sunlight warm my face.

"Jordan's gonna give me a lift home?" She asked, sounding skeptical.

"Oh hell no! Get yo ass off my car right now!" I roll my eyes at his reaction, he loves his car more than life itself but it serves him right for winding me up about dating Olivia.

"You can walk. You get in" Jordan said pointing at us, but I ignore him and get in his car anyway.

When he dropped us off I suggested to Olivia that we watch as many friends episodes as we could cram in, I was just needing a light hearted sitcom that would make me feel good. I kicked off my shoes and lay down on her sofa, I wanted her to lie with me, to feel her weight on my chest and her warmth through my clothes. To feel the gentle fall and rise of her breathing against my own.

After the past few days of not speaking to her and the past twenty four hours of fearing for her safety then getting my ass kicked for sticking up for her, I just wanted to feel her closeness. I felt brave enough to feel her closeness and those opportunities don't come around often so I have to jump on them when they do. But I didn't think she would go for it.

"Am I allowed to sit down?" She said looking me up and down, I parted my legs and patted my chest, silently hoping she would take my offer and lay with me.

"Isn't that a bit weird?" She hesitated and I felt instant disappointment.

Don't reject this Olivia. I need this.

"I don't know. Don't friends cuddle?" I asked, trying not to show my dismay.

"I don't know. Do you cuddle Jordan on the sofa like that?" She said taking me by surprise, I couldn't stop a shit eating grin from appearing on my face.

"Just lay down Liv." I said trying one last time.

She positioned herself in between my legs and lay her head down on my chest, pressing against my bruise which sent a wave of tender pain through my body. Annoyingly I let out an involuntary gasp that made her jolt upright almost instantly, she looked at me through wide eyes, alarmed she just hurt me.

"I'm fine." I muttered lowering her head back down gently and avoiding the most painful areas.

Having Olivia lie on me hurt, I won't deny but she somehow numbed the pain to a dull ache and made it all worth it. I loved having this closeness with her through the safety net of our clothing, I loved inhaling her tropically scent that made me feel safe, I loved twirling my fingers in her smooth hair and feeling the softness against my skin.

Watching the television in a comfortable silence with our bodies entwined in the most innocent way was simply one of the happiest moments in my life and I was displeased when my phone lit up the room disturbing the tranquillity.

Hey Liam, it's Jill from the arcade the other day. I've sent you a naughty picture in case you need a reminder. Feeling pretty lonely tonight, want to come round and give me some company? Xx

The picture was naughty indeed. I closed off her message without even replying but then I spotted Jordans reminding me to get the alcohol for the lock in so I put my phone away and shrugged on my leather jacket. Best to get it out of the way.

"Who was that?" Olivia asked bitterly.

"It was Jill, someone I met last week. Wants me to meet up for some ... fun." I told her honestly.

"And she can't go find Jack or something?" I couldn't help but smile at her toxic tone, I was used to girls feeling jealous around me but her? I never thought she would get jealous, I thought she knew too much to be into me.

"Are you jealous?" I asked, needing confirmation because this was too good to be true.

She burst into a coughing fit at my question and my heart sank, why would she be jealous? I'm damaged, she knows that. "No. Why would I be jealous? I just don't like to be ditched by my friends."

At least she wanted me to stay, that's a start.

"So you don't want me to go?" I asked, not holding back my smirk.

"Do what you want." She looked mad as hell but I know she was trying to come across as disinterested.

I lent closer to her face, seeing every frustrated wrinkle on her nose, the fire burning in her eyes wanting to scorch me if I dared leave the house and the pursed lips that I urged badly to kiss the frown right off of. How can she even question where I would rather be, she gives me more than any girl ever could. But I loved this reaction from her, it proved she really did care.

"Tell me you don't want me to go." I challenged.


"Tell me and I won't go."

"No." She repeated.

So I stood up "See ya later Liv." I said as I turned towards the door, taking the tiniest steps and for a moment I doubted myself for winding her up because now it was turned around on me and I needed to tell her I didn't want to go.

Let her win this round Liam, put her out of her misery.

As I got closer to the door I took a deep breath, preparing myself to tell her I was just being a dick and I wanted to stay but then I heard her call my name and the biggest smile crossed my lips knowing that I had won.

"Yes?" I said with a really cocky voice.

"Don't go." She said with a really reluctant voice.

"Took you long enough." I scoffed taking her hand in mine and pulling her to her feet. "We gotta go to the store for the lock in alcohol." My smile wouldn't diminish or lower in voltage and she just looked annoyed with herself, or with me, I'm not entirely sure.

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