#43 I don't even like strawberry milkshake.

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I lay on the bench in the locker room waiting for Jordan to get his shit together so we could go get some celebratory milkshakes at the diner. It has been two days since I told Liv about my lack of working manhood, I thought we left things on a good note but I've felt her pull away and she's been avoiding me ever since. I can only think that it's offended for some reason, maybe because I can't get it up for anyone else except her and she sees that as degrading? I flicked through my messages to her over the past couple of days.

L: Hey, wanna hang out?

O: Can't sorry I'm busy.

L: Hey, what you up to? I'm bored.

O: Can't talk right now, I have so much school work.

L: Hey u awake?

L: You coming to the game on Friday?

L: Are we ok?

O: Yeah, just real busy.

"Ready Liam?" Jordan asked, standing by the door.

I locked my phone, slipped it into my pocket and followed him out.

The team were high off adrenaline from the win we almost didn't get today, they entered the diner drawing complete attention to them with their cheers and chants that told every person in the room that we won. The staff knew us on a first name basis by now, they kindly reserved our table every day and knew our orders, making sure they were prepared for when we got there. As my team walked towards our usual table someone caught my attention in the booth next to the jukebox.

"Hey, thought you had too much school work to hang out?" I slid in her booth and situated myself next to her, waiting to hear why she's been avoiding me for the past two days. She looked around the room, appearing a little nervous but she didn't address me.

"Here you go Liam." Zoe smiled sweetly as she handed me my chocolate shake, I muttered my gratitude but didn't touch the milkshake because I was too busy going out of my mind waiting for Olivia to answer my question.

"So Liam, word on the street is that you're in a bet with those douchebags to bed the biggest loser at this lock in."  Her friend spoke up, shooting daggers at me through her eyes like I was evil.

Why was she talking to me about the lock in? I didn't care about the stupid lock in, I cared about the problem Olivia obviously had with me.

"I mean, sure. That is the bet, yes." I admitted hoping she would take that information and leave me alone to discuss whatever the issue is that was making the atmosphere so tense and awkward between us.

"So it's true? You've been stringing my friend along to try and get into her panties?" It took me a second to process her words but as soon as I did I turned my head around fast to face Olivia. She was burning her eyes into her friend, shooting her daggers from across the table. And in that moment I realized what Olivia's problem was.

"Wait... is that what you think?" the panic in my voice was clear to hear but she refused to answer me, or look at me. She kept her focus on her twirling fingers.

"I didn't know what you guys wanted so I just got three strawberry. They're made with fresh strawberries, real good." I didn't take my gaze off Olivia, still hoping she would tell me that she knew it was all just stupid rumours. "Sorry dude, I didn't know you were here or I would of got you one too." I ignored him.

"We'll talk about this later." I said to her as I slid out of the booth, I looked down at her strawberry milkshake, knowing she was allergic to strawberries "that does look good, I'll trade you." I grabbed her milkshake before she could protest and slid my chocolate on her way.

What kind of boyfriend doesn't even know what milkshake she likes? I thought to myself as I walked off towards my friends holding a pink milkshake that I didn't even want in my hand.

As I joined my friends the table erupted in cheers and we ended up having a dumb competition on who could drink more hot sauce without taking a drink. It was gross but so was my strawberry milkshake so I won the crown. Every now and again I would shoot secretive glances in Olivias direction, she sat quietly chatting with her friends. She spoke with ease and had a smile on her face like everything with them was simple.

After everything I've shared with her I didn't understand how she could question if she was part of a stupid bet. Surely she must know what happened between us was real.

I saw her leave the table and head towards the bathroom and I knew this was my chance so I followed her, locking the door behind me so it was just her and me alone.

"This is why you've been acting funny these past couple of days, isn't it?" She nodded and I sighed, stepping closer to her because that's where I constantly wanted to be. "Liv, don't sit on stupid rumours. Just come and ask me."

It made no sense why she didn't ask me, I tell her most things about me so she had to of known I would answer her honestly.

"It's not a rumour, you just admitted it." She said timidly.

"Yeah, I admitted to the bet. You were never part of that. How could you even question that?" My eyes glued to her in an excruciating stare, she refused to look at me but I closed the gap between even more so.

"I've lost control in many ways drunk too much, taken too many drugs, smashed things, caused fights, had meltdowns that overwhelm me with sadness but I've never lost control with a girl, until now. I tried so hard to stay away from you but I failed.  I tried so hard not to kiss you, but I failed that too. Then it happened again and every time I let it happen I just get so mad with myself for losing control." She looked up at me, taking in everything I had to say as I rested my hands on her shoulder, standing inches away from her body.

"You're different from the other girls. You expect more than just sex and I fully understand that but I can't offer it. I can't handle that closeness. That intimacy."

I waited for her to reply but nothing came so I continued.

"The bet... it was stupid. Yeah I agreed to it at first I don't know who I planned on bringing to the lock in, probably Pam she's a bit of a weirdo but she isn't shy to getting her leg over - or so I've heard. It was never, ever meant to be you. Nobody bet on you. Even if you were up for it, I couldn't do it. Besides you know enough about me to ruin me if I dared mess with you."

I smiled at her with unsurety and waited for her to say something in reply. I needed to know that we were good, that she believed my words. But she said nothing.

"Can you please just say something?" I blurted out with impatiently.

"You took my milkshake."

It's the simple moments like this that makes me fall deeper. The heavy moments between us were I feel like I've poured my heart out and she replies with a simple, unexpected answer. It makes me want to grab her and kiss her. But instead, behind a stupidly large grin I replied

"I don't even like strawberry milkshake."

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