#42 No, she never does around you Liv.

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I lay listening to the birds wake up and the sun rise from the darkness, bathing the treehouse in light. Olivia slept peacefully cuddled into me but after her seductive fingers went wandering there was no way I could sleep. I lay frustrated all night, needing to finish what she started. I thought about disappearing before she woke up but it just didn't feel right to do that now, not when we're this deep in our friendship.

"Olivia" I whispered at around seven, nudging her slightly so she woke up.

She opened her eyes and blinked in the light, a little confused at first to be in the tree house but I watched as the memories of the night before rolled back in offering her clarity.

"I gotta go home and shower for school." I said as I slid towards the door, still feeling pain in my chest from Jax's harsh beating.

"Okay." she replied, rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"You're okay, right?" I checked, feeling doubts about the night before.

"Yeah." She said offering me a smile that reassured me.

I really carefully climbed down the tree and made my way home, eager to release my pent up tension in a way I've found myself doing a lot recently, I swear I've never spent this much time with my hand in my life.


"There's something different about you today Liam." Jordan said as he eyed me suspiciously.

I ignored his statement and watched coach assess the field that was clearly water logged.

"He seems unusually happy today." Zak said, also giving me the once over.

"Glowing." Ben chirped in.

I knew they were taking the piss but I gave them nothing back, not revealing the strange occurrence that happened the night before. My mind still couldn't quite believe that I willingly allowed her to touch me on my bare skin and what's more, how turned on I got by her touch.

"This field is waterlogged, we'll have to use the indoor basketball court." Coach said, interrupting their analysation.

With a few mutters from the team everyone followed our coach through the sports corridors to the indoor gym with two portable goals in tow. The indoor gym was in darkness but I heard her laughter before coach switched the lights on.

"We're using this gymnasium for soccer practice, the field is waterlogged. You guys will have to take your free period to the library."

My eyes found hers straight away, she was straddled to Harris' back with her legs crossed over his front. As I looked her up and down the smile faded from her face and she looked apologetic as she let her body slide down his enough to distance herself from him. She looked sheepish and guilty and the sight made me hurt inside. She picked up her bag and said nothing as she walked out.

"There goes his glow." Zak whispered to Ben, loud enough for me to hear.

I tied the laces to my cleats and replayed her sitting on his back and the smile he wore on his face, clearly loving the closeness of her against his body. Jordan chugged down water close by and the other waited for the practice to start.

"We kissed yesterday." I announced, bringing everyone's attention to me.

Jordan coughed up his water, not expecting what just came out of my mouth.

"You kissed? Olivia?" Zak said, wanting confirmation.

"Yeah. Now she's on another guys back." I stood up and joined Jordan on the bench.

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