#69 Freaking Ben.

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"My parents have offered us the lakehouse this summer and you know what Oak Wood Lodge is famous for, right?" Zak spoke with such enthusiasm but honestly I zoned out on his voice and just replayed last night's perfect date over and over in my head. "College girls! That's where they party." Zak concluded, succeeding in getting Jordan equally as hyped.

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my messages until I found Olivia's chain, making quick work with my fingers across the keyboard I wrote her a message asking her to have lunch with us on the bleachers.

"Liam, are you listening? I said college girls." Zak said in a really patronising tone that made me roll my eyes.

"Yeah." I muttered sliding my phone back into the pocket of my jeans. "I'm not interested." I deadpanned.

"Liams only got his eyes on one girl now." Jordan informed him sarcastically.

"Yeah but there's six weeks until summer. Six weeks to get her out of your system and move on." Zak replied.

"I told you guys, I love her." I could see the doubting expressions written all over their faces but they didn't bother to question me any further on the subject. Instead the talk turned soccer and we made plans to have a hot chili contest which sounds incredibly lame but I'll still give it a shot.

Ben joined us taking a seat next to Jordan where he had a clear, direct view of the cheerleaders as they bounced up and down with pep. Seeing Ben for the first time since finding out the truth made me sick to my stomach and it took every ounce of control to resist the urge to wipe the smug smile right off his face. Instead I faked a smile and silently seethed with my fists clenched tightly by my sides.

A warmth passed through me as Olivia slotted her body on the bench beside me, her energy instantly calmed my rage and I pulled her body towards mine, planting a feather soft kiss on her forehead as my friends gawked in disbelief, not used to see me lay on the PDA.

"Are you two like together now?" Ben asked looking a little frightened at thought. That jackass.

"We love each other." I replied proudly, throwing daggers towards ben with a glacial glare. I felt Olivia tense beside me but I didn't let her reaction deter my glance away from Ben. We were having a full blown showdown with our eyes and he was cowering.

The circle of bodies in front of me fell into a cloud of laughter, I know it was because my admission was unexpected. They knew I loved her but they didn't know I had told her that, they didn't know she felt the same and I know they think Olivia is something I need to 'get out of my system.'

But I've experienced a lot of darkness in my life so I can recognize the light as clear as day. I've experienced a lot of sadness so whenever I feel the happiness I'm not going hold back. I know this is real and no amount of doubt from any person is going to convince me otherwise. So I sat smiling confidently as they tried to regain control of their own reactions.

"You've been on one date." Jordan said through his stifled laughter.

"You don't love each other, you just don't have anything to compare it to. You're a virgin who's never had a boyfriend and you're a player who's never had a girlfriend. What you're feeling is lust not love and deep, deep sexual frustration. Bang it out, you'll be fine."

Great, we're doing this now infront of her. I felt Olivia cower beside me and I instantly grabbed her hand and raised it to my lips to offer her some comfort.

"When you know you know, I'm in love with Helen and I've never even spoke to her." Ben nodded towards the cheerleaders but I didn't even turn my head. I knew he was being a kiss ass because with Olivia and I being so close the truth was bound to come out, he just didn't know it already had.

I was ready. Ready to quiet the doubts of my friends. Ready to explode on the sleazeball Ben. Ready to take on the only people in this world who truly care about me for the sake of one girl. Ready to offer her reassurance in the best way possible that I'm sure would only increase our deep, deep sexual frustration, the only thing Zak had been right about. But instead the not so small voice beside me spoke up.

"Yeah but you're full of bullshit anyway, so...." The anger in her voice was clear, it came out in an aggressive wave that hit Ben directly in the chest and knocked him back a few inches. He tore his eyes away from everyone and focused on the dark wash of his jeans. He knew what she meant by that and he didn't look willing to challenge it, what a coward.

The adrenaline of the group increased as Jordan and Zak made 'oooh' noises in order to pump up for this argument. I just tightened my grip on Olivia's hand letting her know that I was here for her if she needed me.

"What's he lied about?" Her friend asked her quietly.

"He said we got to third base, I didn't even put my tongue in his mouth when we kissed." Olivia blurted out, burning her gaze into Bens tomato red face. Jordan and Zak practically crippled over with laughter and her friend muttered some profanities at Ben before they both gave up waiting for an apology or explanation and left.

"Liam I'm sorry, I didn't know you two would get together... she was just some dumb girl who wouldn't put out. C'mon man, you know how it is." Ben wined after Olivia was fully out of earshot.

"No, I actually don't know how it is. I don't make up shit about girls like it's something I endeavor to be like. I'm ashamed of the amount of girls I've been with and you're just throwing lies around about girls like it's something to be proud of. You don't get to take your normalcy for granted. Not in front of me, not about Olivia." My aggression was taking over and words fell from my lips like verbal diarrhea I couldn't stop them before I realised I was sharing too much.

"Normalcy? What does that even mean?" Ben questioned with a perplexed expression that mirrored the rest of the group. My fists clenched tighter and my nails left small claw marks in the skin of my palms. Before I knew it, or before I could control myself my fist was flying flawlessly through the air with one target in sight.

Ben knocked backwards falling off the bench and landing his back against the edge of the concrete step.

"Liam, calm down man." Jordan shouted as he ran to Ben's aid.

"We'll talk about it, what's he taking for granted?" Zak tried to reason with my intense anger but I couldn't stay here any longer.

"Forget it." I shouted and then picked up my bag and stood but not before standing over Ben and pointing my finger in bloodied face. "You better fucking believe you're apologizing to her and telling the truth to every single person that you've ever told the lie to."

Fucking Ben.

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