Chapter 2 - pick up lines

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                                 Chapter 2

A/N today's July 15. So it's Izuku's birthday!
Happy Birthday to my broccoli boy.(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧

What now?! The man was standing in front of him in his full glory. By the looks of it, the guy didn't change at all since. Still the same waistcoat and the damn smirk.
"What do you want?" His voice sounded shakier that he expected it to be. He saw the villain's gaze go down to his waist and even lover. That's when he realized what the man was looking at. It was too late to stop the blush on his face.
"Aw~, you're so lovely when you blush. Did I make you uncomfortable?"
Just why the fuck was this guy here? Maybe if he was fast, he would be able to run away. The police station wasn't far away. Alright, on three. One, two, three...
As he was about to move, his vision started to blurry.
"When the fu-" Were his last words before he dropped on the floor. The man moved closer to him, caressing his hair.
"You poor thing, your parents aren't home but don't worry. I will take good care of you."
Soon, a white piece of cloth was put on his face, making him breathe in the chemical in it.
Damn, this day just sucked.
The room he laid in was decent looking. Red bedsheets made out of Merino wool fabric made him want to sleep again. Holly shit, just how much money did this guy spent on a bedsheet.
The walls had black anaglypta wallpaper, no pictures. There wasn't much furniture, only a large, dark wood closet with a full-body mirror and two bedside tables.
There was one glass door that probably led to the bathroom and one in front of him. The exit.
The place almost looks like a hotel.
This all would be way nicer if he wasn't FUCKING TIED UP TO THE BED!
The red rope was digging into the flesh on his arms making him very uncomfortable.
His mind was still a bit fuzzy but as time went on, the memories came one by one back. His breath speeded when his mind started to understand the situation. He was kidnapped, it was weekend so nobody was going to look for him until Monday.
He needed to breathe, panic attack won't help him right now.
His quirk wasn't working, and when he looked around once more, he noticed the same black box from earlier sitting on the bedside table.
"Of fucking course."
He didn't know where he was nor what are the intentions of the villain with him.
First thing first, the rope on his hands was the only thing stopping him from breaking free. Struggling seems to strengthen the grip so that won't work. Maybe if he-
The door was shoved open making him flinch. In front of him was the same, green-haired man. But this time, he wasn't smiling. The guy wore a dark expression, no smirk this time. He shivered when the eyes landed on him.
The black shirt was hugging the man perfectly, and those jeans didn't leave anything from the imagination.
He watched as the white gloves the guy wore were put down, revealing old scars.
For a long time, none of them said anything. When his mouth opened to speak, it immediately closed back as the man started to walk around the room.
The bed bend beside him, and all the guy did was just sit there. His eyes met the emerald ones. The guy put one of his hand up and put it on his neck. He swallowed as the hand put a bit pressure on it. The worst thing was, that the villain still wore the dark look. His eyes widen when the man got on top of him. One hand was next to his head while the other one moved to his collarbone.
His breath hitched when it moved down to the first button. That's when he noticed that he was still wearing his school uniform.
His heart rate increases when the arm went under his shirt. "S-stop!" He tried to shout, but it didn't sound like it. Thankfully, the hand stopped but didn't move from its spot.
"Are you sure? You seem to enjoy it." And the smirk was back. "I'm... I'm not." But the rosiness on his face shoved otherwise.
"Am I teasing you?" The man chuckled. "My tongue can do a better job of teasing you than my words." Oh my God. His mind was screaming. The man leaned closer and he could smell the other expensive perfume.
"What do you want from me." He hated how his voice wouldn't listen to him. The breath on his ear was hot, making him turn his head. 
"I want you to be happy and naked." For a minute, he thought he stopped breathing. The hand moved down again.
A rumbling stopped both of them. It sounded again and the guy touched his stomach. "Damn it!" Katsuki was having a day of his life, laughing hard at how silly this was. Just a second before, he was about to be raped by this hungry guy.
He could see the man was glaring and pouting at him but he didn't care. "It's not funny! I didn't eat all night."
And when he looked at the man in the eyes, he noticed the dark circles underneath them. His laugh stopped. It was quiet again.
"Why did you kidnap me?" He tried to start a conversation but when the man didn't say anything he frowned. "Don't look at me like that. I kidnapped you cause I felt lonely and you caught my eye. I tried to be gentle when kidnapping you, but if you don't like it I can go rough next time."
Was this guy crazy in his head? "Stop with the stupid pick up lines." "Only when you learn how to behave." This isn't going anywhere. The rumbling came back and the man groaned.
"I will go get some cereal." The guy murmured underneath his nose and got up. "Gross."
That made the villain stop halfway. "What do you mean?" "I mean, that it's gross. Go get some real fucking food."
The sparkles in the other's eyes were almost blinding. "Aw~, are you worried?" Just where did the guy with the dark expression and dirty thoughts go?
"No, I just think it's gross." "You could at least pretend you cared." Like hell. His face got red again from the idea he just got. "I can cook you something, but for exchange, you will let me go."
The villain turned around, looking confused. "What was that?" Fuck this guy, he turned away and stayed quiet. The man took the challenge and threw himself at Katsuki. "Ah, no! Fuck off, you heavy bastard!" "Not until you tell me what you said." And the guy meant it.
He stayed on top of him until Katsuki gave up and repeated the sentence. "What a good boy, I would love to try your cooking." His arms were freed from the red rope and the bastard had finally moved. He sat up, rubbing his wrists that had red lines from the rope. "What's your name?" The question was out of curiosity, nothing else.
"I will tell you later, Ka-tsu-ki~."

A/N I will try to update every day.(✷‿✷) If something comes up, I will let you guys know that I won't post. (^‿^)That's all, see ya! (◠‿・)—☆

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