Chapter 32 - album

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Chapter 32

The walls had a nice peach color, together with dark wood, it made a nice, comfortable atmosphere of a home-like bedroom. Katsuki couldn't quite make out what was on the pictures on the walls but it was colorful.
The nice warm colors on the images matched the sky outside. The sun was only starting to set up, bringing a yellowish light into the room.
In the middle of the room was a double bed, Katsuki laid in it, unable to move. The sheets were a mess and the pillows were everywhere but beneath his head.
He could feel the headache forming in the back of his head, ready to hit him any moment. The sleepiness was gone, now replaced by the need to move.
There was no pain in the leg he was stabbed in nor did he feel any other injures. But there were still bandages around the stab wound and his head.
Maybe he was on drugs, probably NSAIDs, so that's why he couldn't feel the pain.
This wasn't the first time he woke up. No, the first time he woke up after Izuku carried him to the helicopter was to Izuku yelling something at someone in a very bright room. It looked like Izuku was in a hurry, his face full of worry and Katsuki couldn't understand why.
But sadly, soon after he fell asleep again, so he didn't get an answer to that. The other time he woke up was to a nurse checking on him. The nurses were quick, writing whatever they needed and leaving, Katsuki falling numb right after.
But now it was different. He didn't want to fall asleep anymore, his vision wasn't perfect yet and his brain didn't process as fast as it should but there was no hint of sleep.
It didn't take long for him to connect the dots and since he couldn't move, the only thing he could do was wait for Izuku. He doubted the nurses will let him go, and yelling at them would be rude, so waiting for the man was the only opinion.
Talking about the devil, Izuku walked in soon after. The man didn't notice he was up yet, his shoulders tense and eyes tired. Katsuki moved his had to the side, hopping Izuku would see the movement.
Izuku did, and when he saw he was awake, the tension vanished from the shoulders. It didn't take long for Izuku to drop dead on the side next to him, intertwining their fingers right after.
Katsuki laid on his back staring at Izuku who was lying on his stomach, their intertwined fingers between them. The man didn't change from his clothes so Katsuki wasn't out for long.
"Good morning, gorgeous," Izuku said, smiling warmly at him. "Morning?" Katsuki said with a half-smirk half-smile. They didn't say anything after that, resting on the bed for a bit longer.
He wanted to ask one simple question but Izuku answered it before he could say it. "I know what you are thinking and no, you are not allowed to move from bed until tomorrow."
That made Katsuki groan. There was no way he was falling asleep again. A light chuckle came out next to him, and soon after he was gently pulled into Izuku's chest.
Izuku made sure not to touch any of Katsuki's injuries, dropping his head into the blonds hair, he squeezed Katsuki a bit tighter. "I was so scared."
The honesty in those words was very strong, and Katsuki knew Izuku was barely holding back tears, so he slightly pulled away so he could look up at Izuku and brought his hand up to stroke the man's cheek.
Izuku closed his eyes, his teeth clenched as the first set of tears poured out. A warm hand landed on Katsuki's, stopping it from caressing.
The hand tightened a little, before letting go completely. "I'm just happy that you are alright." Izuku said, finally opening his eyes and Katsuki gave him the most heartwarming smile that made the man lose his breath.
With giving a kiss on Katsuki's forehead, Izuku got up, walking up to a bookshelf Katsuki didn't notice before. "Since you can't move and are full of energy at the same time, maybe reading some of my books will help you kill some time."
That made Katsuki raise an eyebrow. "Where are we exactly?" Without turning around, Izuku answered. "This one of my most used hideout. It's the best place to close my eyes without worrying about dying and feel a bit of similarity to home."
"Oh." Was all Katsuki could manage to say. "Now, I will let you choose any book you want. I read all of them and the favorites are placed in this bookshelf, so I hope you like them as well."
Katsuki stared at it for a long time. It was hard to choose, every book was a different color, the titles were all interesting but there was one book that stuck out.
It looked like the oldest out of all books, the cover was made out of leather and most importantly, it didn't have any title. "Can I get the leather one at the far bottom?"
Izuku's cheek redden. "Can you choose anything else?" He said, making Katsuki suspicious. "You said I can choose any book I want." Katsuki pursed his bottom lip, pouting at the man.
"It's not exactly a book." That made Katsuki even more curious, so he wanted for Izuku to give up and just bring up the book or whatever else it was.
It didn't take long for Izuku to sigh in defeat, kneeling down to get the thing and sitting back on the bed, pulling Katsuki into his lap.
Katsuki moved to get comfortable between Izuku's legs, his back on the man's chest while Izuku put the book in front of them.
When nothing happened for a long minute, Katsuki looked up at Izuku. "What's wrong?" The redness came back to Izuku's cheeks, he looked away from Katsuki trying not to make eye contact.
"It's my childhood photo album." The word 'photo album' repeated in his head and Katsuki smiled widely, acting like a child and opening the first page without giving Izuku time to thing.
The first picture was of Izuku as a toddler. He had such chubby cheeks and with the freckles, Izuku looked like a small angel. "You had a lot of hair when you were a kid." On the picture, Izuku's curls were wild. It made him look even cuter and for a second, Katsuki thought his heart exploded.
They moved to the next pages, Izuku blushing at some of them but Katsuki only found it adorable. Izuku was such a cute child, and to think such a man would grow out of it made Katsuki really shocked.
Then they moved to high school photos, and oh boy. It was his turn to blush. Izuku was so handsome. The man grew up so perfectly, the feature on his face sharpening and the muscles shoving up a bit.
He covered his eyes because of one particular photo. Izuku was almost naked, only wearing a pair of boxers and a silver chain with a cross around his neck.
In the photo, he was getting out of a river. The drops of water running down his biceps and abs making Katsuki hungry. If that wasn't enough, Izuku was biting into his lower lip while looking directly into the camera.
Katsuki was jealous at whoever the fuck took that photo. "You like that one?" Izuku asked, pointing at the photo Katsuki was salivating for. "You are quite handsome." "I'm always handsome."
Katsuki laughed at the sudden answer. "Fuck off with your ego." He bit back, showing Izuku on his stomach with his elbow.
They continue the tour through the album until they reached the end. It was a really fun time, the pictures here funnier as the time went on but the photo at last page made him stop whatever he was about to comment on. "Who is she?"
Katsuki pointed at a small woman. She was the only one on that photo, it was weird because the album was full of Izuku's photos together with some friends sometimes in it. There wasn't a single photo with people old enough to consider them Izuku's parents.
Izuku perked behind Katsuki's head to see what he was pointing at only for his mood to drop. "That's my mom." Yeah, she looked kind of similar, no scratch that, she looked a lot like Izuku.
"She died a little later before this photo was made." Izuku continued. "She was a really lovely person. I wish you could have met her."
"I wish so too." Katsuki said, his voice filling with sadness and sympathy. He closed the album and carefully moved it next to them.
Izuku yawned, nuzzling Katsuki like a cat. "Can I have my phone? Better text my friends before they do something stupid."
It's better to let his friends know he was ok, the investigation will start soon or already started and Katsuki will have to think of a good excuse as to how he came back healed up from a kidnapping.
"Your stuff is already here, I made sure it was here by the time you wake up." Izuku said, reaching into one of the bedside tables, pulling out the phone.
His phone battery was almost dead but it was still enough for a few texts. Izuku shifted so his head was resting on Katsuki's shoulder. If it was anybody else, Katsuki wouldn't let them look at his personal stuff, but Izuku was an exception.

>I'm fine, still alive so don't do anything stupid.

I'm gonna head to you right now and kick your boyfriend's butt for not showing up sooner!<

Izuku laughed at Ejiro's threat, it's not like his friend could take him down, but it would still be funny to watch. Katsuki gave him a warning glare to not try anything stupid to which Izuku responded with innocent eyes.

>It's not like he knew we were attacked

Doesn't matter. I want your location so I and Shoto can see you are ok with my own two eyes!<

Izuku shook his head no. They can't send the location, that would be way too risky. Someone can take Ejiro's phone and that would be the end of them.

>can't do that you idiot

Why? ಠ ೧ ಠ<

>it's too dangerous, but I will be in touch with you so don't worry.

You better<

And tell your boyfriend to keep you safe or he will face the consequences.<

The last sentence made him chuckle. Izuku was the safest guy he could be with. The man gave him the attention he needed and the things he wanted.
Anyway, Shoto was the other one he needs to take care of. Who knows what that guy was capable of. Sure, Ejiro could beat ass but Shoto was rich enough to buy an assassin and get away with murder.

>I'm alive


> ┻ (-_- ) ┻ fuck you

Just joking, I'm guessing you are with Izuku right now?<


Tell him the investigation started and that the police saw the camera footage.<

Shit, that wasn't good. He knew his classmates and teacher saw, but now the police were involved with who knows how many heroes too.

>Thanks, I will tell him

Good, I will try to put the class at ease for now. Well, I will tell Ejiro to do it since he is better at that thing<

Just please stay safe<

>of course, I owe you one

With that, he threw his phone somewhere on the bed, leaning more into Izuku. They stayed quiet for a while before Izuku decided to spoke up.
"I'm going to talk with the villain that attacked you, Nine, and try to get some information out of him. For now, all we know is that their group is trying to do something big, but we don't know what that is yet."
The idea that the group was trying to do anything at all was stressful. They didn't know anything, who knows how many people the villains are with.
It was still a bit surprising how Izuku kept reading his enemy's attacks, always having a plan B. If Izuku was a hero, he would be a damn good one. Katsuki will have to ask for private lectures later.
Izuku got off the bed, leaving him with his thoughts. But that changed when Katsuki turned around to see Izuku undressing. His thoughts were shut down, and all je could see was Izuku's muscles stretching.
Somehow, the tattoos made Izuku look even more dangerous if that was possible, and all he could do was stare, knowing it was all his.
He licked his lips, giving Izuku the stare the man will recognize at any time. "I'm not going to do anything when you are injured. A doctor with a healing quirk will come tomorrow morning and after you are healed up, we can have all the fun we want."
Izuku said, getting back in bed, trying to cuddle the now angry blond. After a while of kicking and pushing, Katsuki gave up and let Izuku do his thing.
All he could do was hope Izuku's words were true.

A/N I'm gonna die. ಥ‿ಥ
I stayed up till one in the morning and it still took my whole afternoon.ತ_ʖತ
I just hope it's worth it and you enjoyed it.

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