Chapter 34 - random attacks

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Chapter 34

The words stuck in Katsuki's head, repeating over and over again. Izuku practically claimed him, not that Katsuki had a problem with that, it was just, sometimes unfamiliar.
They both leaned for a kiss, Katsuki accepting his future with Izuku. That was until a knock stopped them in their action. "Oi, Izuku move your fucking ass over here. We are waiting for you for almost an hour!"
Dabi yelled from behind the door, sounding annoyed. Izuku huffed, running a hand through his hair, pulling away and getting up from the bed.
"I'm going. For the love of God!" They stayed in awkward silence as Dabi's footsteps faded in the hallway. Katsuki remembered Izuku had to go to work, and by work, he meant going to talk with Nine.
His knuckles turned white from how strong he held the white sheets, while he bit his bottom lip nervously. Katsuki glanced at Izuku, who was now struggling with his tie. 
He rolled his eyes, getting up from the bed as well, not caring he was naked and helped Izuku fixed it. The man let him, watching every move he made. Katsuki tried to ignore the intense look, tightening the tie a bit more than necessary.
"I know what you are thinking." Izuku broke the silence. "I'm not going to kill him, but I can't promise I won't hurt him." That was good enough.
"Alright." He pulled away, but before he could take a full step back, Izuku grabbed his ass, squeezing it. "When I'm back, be ready for round two."
His cheeks redden. Katsuki glared at Izuku before kicking him in the chest and pushing him out of the door. "When you get back, you will take a shower first."
Somehow, he was able to push Izuku out of the door, shutting it right in the man's face. He himself needed a shower and he will enjoy it.
There was no sound coming from behind the door, so he guessed Izuku already left. With that information in the head, he hurried to the bathroom, already thinking about what to cook for breakfast. Pancakes won't be bad, so maybe he will go with that.
He stopped in his tracks when he opened the door to the bathroom. Izuku was so fucking rich with illegal money.
The bathroom was large, most of the things wooden. Two vessel sinks with a big ass mirror were on his left. The palm was almost as high as the ceiling, sitting in the corner of the room.
Talking about the ceiling, the light was as big as they could possibly make it. It brightens the whole bathroom a bit too much.
The bath was suited for two, but that shouldn't be a surprise. There is a shower too, which he was going to use, but he needed to find the towels first.
They were in one of the closets, so that was done. Shampoos were already there, Izuku said it was his favorite base so that was expected.
He hoped in the shower, setting the right temperature. The water hit his face, immediately putting him into relax mode. He almost fell into a full relax mode, it was nice feeling but it lasted only a minute before something dropped down his thigh.
Damn it! Stupid nerd. The white liquid made him feel gross. He cleaned it with a few difficulties and reminded himself to not forget bitching about it later to Izuku.
He showered fast, running into the kitchen with a bathrobe on, to make the goddamn breakfast and sleep for the rest of the evening. His legs felt jelly, but he managed to walk just fine.
Who knows what is happening in school? He will ask Shoto later to stay in light of what is going on.
When he entered the kitchen, the first thing he noticed was the view of the trees. They looked old but healthy. He moved closer to the window, looking at the outside world.
Whoever they were, the neighbors were surely rich. The houses in the neighborhood were large, surrounded by trees as well. No wonder Izuku loved this place.
His phone buzzed but Katsuki ignored it, he had to focus on the dough to be right. Instead, he turned on the TV to have something to listen to or as background noise.
It was already on the news so he didn't have to look for a remote. He stayed a few seconds watching the reporter saying something about some car accident, before turning back to making breakfast.
"And now the latest news."
"UA school was attacked again, by various kind of villains. Investigators assumed they might be a part of the Purple Dragon organization, but they aren't certain yet."
It was obvious the attack would get into news sooner than later. The thing that bothered him was that nobody talked about him being kidnapped.
Maybe teachers are trying to keep it a secret? But there was no reason for that.
"The same group attacked a south part of the city and destroyed one of the police stations as well."
That made him turn to the TV again. Why would they attack random places?
"This organization is now being searched by our detectives, sadly, there is still no luck. If you have any information about this group or about the attacks, please, contact the police immediately."
The pancakes were forgotten on the kitchen counter. Katsuki moved to the couch in front of the TV, his whole attention on the news.
"Oh! We have one of our reporters streaming life. It looks like there is an attack in the Shikimi shopping centrum."
The screen changed from a nice studio to absolute hell. He could barely see what was on it, dust was blocking most of the view. Screams of people in the background as a reporter tried to explain the situation.
There wasn't much to explain. The villains attacked for no reason, killing as many people as possible, destroying the whole Shikimi centrum.
"-..---...Help is on its way. The heroes with today's patrols in this area are already doing their best to help the civilians." The reporter said before the screen went back to the studio.
Everyone was quiet for a solid minute trying to connect what just happened.
"More information on the situation will be sent later, now, to the next..."
That's when he stopped listening. Three attacks in a week from the same group. At least he knows which one if the investigators guessed right.
He wondered if Izuku knew about this. That will have to wait, his phone was buzzing the whole time and it was killing him.  What did they want from him!
He had more than seven missed calls from Shoto, together with some short messages. What on earth...

Call me when you can<

Where are you<

Pick up your phone<

It's urgent<

He hit the call button, waiting for Shoto to pick up. Before he could press the phone to his ear, Shoto was already telling him something he couldn't quite understand.
"Hold the fuck up. Tell me again, but slowly." He heard Shoto taking a deep breath, calming himself down. "Did you see the news?" Katsuki already disliked where this was going.
"Yeah? What's wrong?" "Your group is somewhere in that mess." His hand dropped the phone, he was shaking. This wasn't happening.
"Katsuki? Katsuki!" Shoto yelled, but he dismissed him. He needed to find Izuku before it was too late. The phone stayed on the ground with Shoto shouting Katsuki's name.
With his bare feet, Katsuki ran through the cold dark hallway to who knows where. How long was this shitty hall? He concentrated on his hearing, trying to find someone, anyone who he knows.
No luck, he was at the end of the hallway and was met with big red wooden doors with golden handles, blocking him from going further. As he was about to turn around to check all the doors behind him, he heard a familiar voice talking with someone older.
Then someone answers with a rough voice. That was definitely Izuku. The doors didn't seem locked so he shoved them open, only to stop himself from walking in.
It looked like some kind of meeting room. There was a long table with chairs around, some of them taken, some of them free. It was dark, the only lights were above the table or at the end of the room where was Nine, already bloodied, but that's something he didn't care about anymore.
All eyes were on him, some of them shocked and some of them perverted. Disgusting. Of fuck... he was wearing only the bathrobe.
No wonder Izuku looked so surprised, blush on his cheeks, but soon after he glared at anyone looking at Katsuki the wrong way. Katsuki's gaze came back at the eyes looking at him. The men Izuku was talking with were mostly older, wearing suits, trying to look like they have power over everything.
His sharp gaze couldn't miss the golden watches, rings, or necklaces. They all looked ready to tear him apart but he held his ground.
He looked back at Izuku instead. "There is an attack in Shikimi centrum." "We know." One of the older men closest to them answered. He was wearing a red Notch Lapel suit with a gold watch, his few hairs gelled back.
"Heroes can't get there because of the villains." "We know." Katsuki swears if the old man repeats it one more time, he will kill him somehow with his own two hands.
Izuku waited for him to finish, not caring about the old man at all. "My friends are there, I need your men to help them." They looked at each other, Izuku opening his mouth to answer only to be interrupted by the old fucker. The man got up from his chair, taking a step closer to Katsuki.
"Unbelievable, we won't give someone like you our valuable resources for no reason. You have no power here!"
Alright, that was it. It didn't take more than three large steps to be in the right position in front of the man. One kick in the knee to make the leg give up, then another in his abdomen, and the guy was leaning forward, hugging his stomach.
Katsuki took the chance and yanked the guy down by his tie so he was kneeling in front of him. Everyone in the room stayed frozen, waiting for what was about to happen. Nobody did anything, waiting until Izuku gave them orders to do so.
"No reason?! No fucking reason?! Listen here fucker, I have more power in this entire fucking room than all of you will ever fucking have."
Katsuki pulled at the tie again. "So be a good dog and don't bark at me or I will have your head on a plate. Trust me, I am more than capable of that."
A shocking quiet followed. Katsuki threw the guy away, turning back at Izuku who licked his lips looking hungry. "Of course we will help them, gorgeous."
Izuku walked up to him with open arms. "Go to your room, I will send some men immediately." A hand around his shoulder pushed him to the door and when he and Izuku were far enough, Izuku whispered into his ear with a smirk.
"You dominating around is such a turn on. Fuck, I'm going tear off your clothes and have my way with you later.”
The hand left his shoulder, leaving him alone in the hallway as the door behind him closed.
Izuku looked back at the men, that looked too stunned to do anything. "Shall we continue?" A chuckle broke everyone from their thoughts. Nine laughed even though his injuries made it difficult, his head low, blood dripping down his chin. "He really has you under his feet."
They turned their heads to look at Izuku's reaction. His gaze was unreadable, but when a wide smile spread on his face, he put everyone right back into shock.
"Yes, you are correct." Izuku said, sitting on his chair.
"All he has to do is say my name, and you won't believe how far I go."

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