Chapter 3 - run away

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                               Chapter 3

He really didn't mind cooking, it was something he enjoyed. It made him forget about his worries, and let him focus on colors and flavors. But not today.
His hands were shaking a bit from the intense gaze on his back, sometimes going down to his ass. He hated it. When he stepped into the kitchen, he noticed only one dark door on his left. That must be the exit. The plan was already forming in his head, all he had to do is finish the food.
He exhaled, this was the first time in long, that he felt so nervous. The cooking was the only thing making him control his stress. The villain sat behind him beside a large table in the middle of the room. There was one window, but when he looked outside, the surroundings didn't look similar. That made him freak out more. 
He was halfway done with the food when the guy decided to join him, standing right next to him. That didn't help his anxiety one single bit.
But that's not something he should be thinking about. His mind wandered around opportunities. He was in a house, not a hotel or a skyscraper. He was somewhere in the city since he saw buildings from the window. This should be easy. If he just found somebody who was willing to help or just lend him a phone, he will be safe.
The omelet was done. From the looks of it, the villain was ready to snatch the food from the pan. "Where do you have plates?" The question startled the man from his daze. Two plates were set next to him. "Why two?"
"You don't want to eat?"
"No." He was hungry. Since yesterday, nothing entered his stomach. But there was no time to enjoy breakfast with this guy. As soon as the guy starts to eat, he will run away. At least, he hoped. He didn't know the guy's quirk so that was a big hole in his plan to run away. With his skills, he was able to perfectly put the omelet on the plate. Without looking at the guy, he handed him the food.
His head snapped back at him. "What?" "You asked me for my name." The food was taken from his hands gently, and the man took it to the table. He watched the guy taking the first bite and groan at the delicious taste.
"But don't tell anybody." Izuku put his index finger to his lips, to show to stay quiet.
His heart started to beat drastically, but he didn't know if it was because the guy told him his name or that it was his chance to run. Either way, he was now close to the exit door.
"You should stop what you are doing." His eyes went wide. The villain knew he wanted to run away. Well, fuck this guy. He ran to the door. To his luck, it wasn't locked. Izuku sprinted after him, their footsteps echoed in the empty hallway. Just where was he?! At the end of the hall, he found a staircase leading down. He practically jumped down, not bothering to look behind. When he was down, the hall split in two ways. Three voices yelled from his right side, making him stop. He wasn't alone. The left way was the only opinion then.
This was surprisingly easy, he thought the guys were faster. Soon, he reached a glass door. He shoved it open and ran outside.
He almost stopped again. The bright light blinded him, but his eyes adjusted fast. The street around him looked like the poor ones you see in the films. The houses were old looking, having bars on the windows and weren't tall, maybe three-four floors maximum. There were dark alleys without lamps looking creepy just like in the movies.
He didn't have many routes to run, but that didn't stop him. His chest tightened at the sight of the people sitting on the streets looking pale and half dead. The world really wasn't a pretty place.
There was an iron staircase on the side of the building, leading to the rooftop. With his last breath, he sprinted up. The view was pretty, he wanted to sit there and watch the clouds move, to let his muscles rest. He could do that when he was safe.
Two unfamiliar voices shouted near him from the direction he ran. He looked around one more time and in a distance, he noticed a familiar building. It was a shopping building he liked to go when he was a kid. Jumping from roof to roof, he was able to get close.
From then on, the way home was simple. But his mind didn't rest a bit. This was too easy. Did they let him get away on purpose? His paranoia rose up when the number of people around him started to rise up.
Thankfully, he reached his home without any other contact. The doors were still locked, but his key was nowhere to be found. He wondered if the villain took it. His bag with his book was still here, so that was good. With the spare key, he unlocked the door, feeling the familiar warmth. Everything in was where he left it. Nothing was out of ordinary.
He went to the bathroom first. Splashing water on his face and getting out of the dirty uniform. He could still feel the cold touch of Izuku's hand on his neck, but a hot shower can help with that.
He wasn't sure if he should tell someone about this. Nothing happened to him and it wasn't the first time he was kidnapped. When he was a kid, a lot of freaks came after him because of his strong quirk. But he always managed to get away somehow.
He will have to crash at Ejiro's place for a while. Just to be sure the villains showed up. His parents won't come home until next week, and his house wasn't safe for now.


  >can I crash at your place for two days?

The replay came fast. Ejiro was probably on his phone.

Sure dude, but why? Did something happen?<

  >don't worry about it, will be there in an hour?

Alright, but don't forget you can tell me anything, I'm your friend.<

At that, he turned off his phone. Maybe talking to Ejiro will help a bit. He looked at the clock, it was already noon. With a deep breath, he went to his room to prepare.
He spent two days at Ejiro's. It was annoying. The guy asked way too many questions. He told him about the kidnapping, but some of the details were kept out, for a good reason. Ejiro volunteered to stay at his place until his parents are back but he rejected him. He didn't want to put him in danger. It was Monday, and he was on his way back home. Ejiro told him, that he will come to check on him from time to time. He didn't say it out loud, but he appreciated it.
It will rain soon. He thought as he looked up.
This weak will be a bit easier. Since the attack, his school had to focus on school safety first. There was a rumor that they will have a break. One would fit him. His sleep was interrupted by nightmares and weird dreams. By weird, he meant very weird. From the moment Izuku touched him like that, his dreams were possessed by that memory. Why was he even thinking about that!? With a scowl, he unlocked the door and went in. The door closed behind him, his boots were taken off and his bag was thrown in the corner.
He entered the living room and stopped in his tracks.
"Welcome home, Katsuki."

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