Chapter 10 - target

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Chapter 10

Izuku's hand flickered with green light, making him flinch. His own hands were sweating, preparing for the fight. He breathed out slowly and steadily, watching Izuku's movements that could tell him what to do. His back leaned away from the wall about to step out, but a hand on his chest stopped him.
Izuku didn't look at him, but the annoyance on the man's face was visible. There was no fear, like the man had so much power to defeat that monster, waiting for them to come out.
"My allies will be here soon, let's leave." His eyes looked at Izuku in disbelief. "What?! No! We can't leave that monster walk alone here! There are still people around!"
"They don't matter." It was a quick response, making him want to punch Izuku in the face. Then he remembered that Izuku isn't a hero. This guy doesn't give a shit about those who are not needed to him.
It happened so fast. All he saw was a green light and hear a loud roar coming from his left. When his senses came back to him, Izuku was holding him, his grip strong, and gentle at the same time. The thing that was after them was looking at them with blank eyes.
"It's called Nomu," Izuku said. "The thing in front of us. It's something that poses more quirks than a normal person can take, that's why it looks like that."
His eyes moved from Izuku back to that thing. It was the last time he got a look at it. The blue fire blocked his view. Izuku turned him around so he was now buried in Izuku's chest, while the man's back was facing the Nomu. "Let's get out of here."
Izuku lifted him up, his legs put around Izuku's waist and his head on the man's neck. The last screams of the monster will haunt him in his dreams for a while.
"You asked who Shigaraki is." He nodded into the shoulder, his grip around Izuku tighten.
"Listen, we are a small company that's trying to get into the bigger black market and take control. Let's say Shigaraki was the first leader of my company, but after I came, things changed fast. I took his place, making our business more successful. That angered him, so he left us, trying to make a new firm. I heard he got a deal with someone and now is trying to go after me. Classic revenge."
Izuku let him go, taking his phone out while his brain still tried to understand the information Izuku told him. Katsuki was getting quiet, he didn't say anything at all, making Izuku worry. "We will teleport home."
Just as Izuku said it, a purple cloudy portal showed in front of them. Izuku reached out his hand for him to take it, which he gladly took. They walked through, teleporting in front of his house. He knew what will happen when he walks in. His mum will be furious. He squeezed Izuku's hand, making the man look at him.
"Is something wrong?" He shook his head. "No." Before he could leave, Izuku kissed him on his cheek and then disappearing back into the portal.
His gaze came back at the house, the worry in him grew. He could already feel the slap coming his way. With a doubtful step, he walked to the door. He had to hurry or he will be late for school.
The door wasn't locked, so his parents are surely home. Maybe if he quiet enough, he would be able to go to school without notice. But just as he closed the door a familiar pair of footsteps came down the stairs.
"Katsuki?" He hoped it was his father but today luck wasn't on his side. "Yeah, it's me." The room was dark but he could still see her, thanks to the moonlight from the window.
The slap was expected, then came the yelling and then another slap. Sometimes he feels like a child, that needs permission for everything.
He didn't have the energy for this, so he walked away, ignoring her yelling. She didn't even let him change in peace, banging on his door like a maniac, so he took the window as an exit instead of his door. His stomach growled in hunger, reminding him that he didn't eat. But that was a problem for later.
He didn't feel like dealing with anyone, especially not with his friends. This day just started too badly, with the attack first, and ending with two slaps. Katsuki just wanted to go back to Izuku. To his comfortable bed, and nice-looking house.
Maybe if he asks, Izuku will let him stay with him. His phone vibrated in his pocket, reminding him of Ejiro.

Should I wait for you at the gate?<

He really didn't want to be with anybody today, or he will snap at them for no reason.


Are you sure?<

Fuck! He hated how Ejiro always cared and made sure if everything was ok. With a frown, he put the phone back into his pocket, not answering the question. He was close to school anyway.
Ejiro wasn't the one waiting for him. To his surprise, Shoto was leaning against the wall looking at him, waiting for him to come closer, which he did. "What do you want!"
"You look like shit." Since when did the half and half curse? But Shoto was right. He didn't sleep well because he stayed up and let someone eat his ass, but he won't tell that anybody.
After a while of awkwardly staring at each other, Shoto spoke again. "Are you alright?" And that simple question made his heartbeat rise up.
"Why the fuck wouldn't I be?" "Well, you look more..." Shoto was having a hard time with him, the guy was a quiet time, and talking to him about something the man himself didn't understand wasn't pleasant.
"I'm fine, ok?" They both relaxed at that, and with a huff, Katsuki walked to school with Shoto by his side. Both of them almost came late, because Shoto was waiting for him.
Ejiro showed in front of them, already smiling, but that changed when he looked at Katsuki.
"Meeting at the rooftop?"
Both him and Shoto nodded, taking their seats as nothing happened. For a while, he just started out of the window, until a pink hair blocked his view. Mina.
"It looks like you are hanging with Todoroki more often. Is something going on?" He could see girls turning their heads in his direction. His friends knew he preferred men, so whenever he talked to some, Mina was the first one to ask if something isn't going on.
"No, now fuck off." That answer didn't please her. "Aww, come on blasty, tell me!" Oh, for the love of God. If the class won't start soon, who knows what's gonna happen.
All he knew is, that it's not going to be pretty.
"No! And that's the final answer." Mina put her hands up in defense, looking a bit sad. "Oh, by the way, are you alright? You look a bit tired." Was it that visible? "I'm fine."
The time on the rooftop was the most calming time. He talked about Izuku, what happened, except for the activity on the couch, and the monster that showed up. "Dude! That sounds more like a sugar daddy to me." Shoto agreed.
"W-what? How does it sound like a sugar daddy to you?"
"He bought you an expensive VIP, and then took you home to sleep together."
He looked at them in disbelief. "We didn't sleep together! Not like that!"
"Yeah, yeah dude. But what are you going to do, now that you know what the guy is? I still don't agree with the fact that you are meeting with him." That was understandable. "I know it's bad, but don't fucking worry so much, I will let you know right away if something happens."
That was everything he was able to give for now, but they agreed with that.
He walked home without earphones in his ears. Since he left school, he had a feeling someone was allowing him. His suspicion was proved right when he turned in the wrong direction and the shadow still didn't disappear behind him. He left a school bit later than the others because of the textbook he forgot, so Ejiro was probably already home.
He texted the guy a quick message, then put the phone in his bag.

>im being followed. Meet me at the Meifu park, tell Shoto too.

Meifu park was a dead place. Nobody went there, so it's a good place for a fight. Whoever is following him is asking for a beating.
He wasn't far away, but if the stalker lost his patient and attack him here, with people around, it won't be lovely. So he ran. Katsuki was a fast runner. Since he was a kid, he was running around the forest with a homeless dog, which he took care of, until it died two years later. The dog was fast and at first, Katsuki was barely keeping up, but that changed.
He missed the dog sometimes, it was very dear to him, but he had to get over it.
Now, he was running at full speed, taking turns, until he reached the park. He could hear a pair of footsteps running after him and stopping when he did.
They stood there, in the middle of an abandoned park, both making eye contact.
The guy had a mask over his face, but you could still see the blond hair, a big muscular body, and his high was around two meters(6'7). "Are you Katsuki Bakugou?"
"And so what if I am?" He could feel the guy smirk behind the mask.
"Then you are my target."

A/N I tried to do a longer chapter so I hope there aren't many mistakes. (-_-;)・・・And if you are wondering the villain with Katsuki is Muscular. ᕙ(͡° ‿ ͡°)ᕗ
That's all, have a beautiful day and see ya!

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