Chapter 24 - talk

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A/N On my 23rd chapter I got a lot of nice comments and your kind words warmed my heart. (*˘︶˘*).。*♡
So I wanted to take the time to thank you and write a bit longer chapter. ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡

Chapter 24

Katsuki sleepily walked into the living room, not caring about his surroundings. All he wished for was a soft bed and cuddly Izuku in it.
But just as his eyes met with hetero ones, it was like the soul returned to his body. All that happened came crashing at him and for a moment, Katsuki thought he will have a breakdown in front of Shoto.
Only tears dripped down his face as Shoto ran to him, embracing him with his warm arms. Katsuki hugged back, his body slowly giving up under Shoto's grip. "I would slap you if you didn't look like shit." Shoto said, and all Katsuki could do was giggle at it.
"I missed you too, fucker." They pulled away, Shoto wiped the tears away before taking both of Katsuki's cheeks in his hands. "You have a lot to explain."
It was around 4 am and tomorrow was Friday. Katsuki was sure Shoto did plan to go to school tomorrow, they would be lucky if they had three hours of sleep.
"Can it wait?" Shoto looked annoyed and Katsuki made sure to put the softest look he could manage. He knew he won when Shoto sighed and put his hands down. "But don't think you can get away with it."
That's something he was well aware of. "Let's get some sleep, I will show you the room." Izuku said, hugging Katsuki closer to his chest and pulling him away from Shoto with a jealous look.
"I'm not leaving Katsuki with you after he came here looking like he was run over by a car." Izuku glared at him, but Katsuki shut him faster before he could say anything stupid. "It fine Shoto. I'm going with you to school tomorrow so we will meet in this living after a few hours."
There was no doubt Shoto still didn't trust Izuku. It was the first time Shoto saw him in person like this, and the man wasn't doing any good first impression.
"Alright, But I still don't trust him." That was obvious, but Katsuki didn't comment, the last thing he wanted was for Shoto to change his mind.
Dabi took Shoto down the long hallway, and Katsuki waited until they were out of sight. "You want to go to school tomorrow?" Izuku asked, picking him up and going to their own room. Going to school tomorrow meant he won't get enough sleep but he already skipped two days and the school big exam is going to be soon. If he doesn't want to be behind and fail the exam the best option is to go.
"Yeah, now shut up and carry me to the bed." Izuku did as told, opening one of the doors and revealing a nice double bed that looked like a pile of clouds to Katsuki.
Even if the room was in the traditional Japanese style, the modern touch was still there.
The floor was covered with a white carpet with black elements, shoji lanterns were on each side of the bed already lit up and sakura paintings were hanging on the walls.
There were sliding doors leading to one part of the garden, together with some plants already inside.
Izuku sat Katsuki on the bed, unbuttoning his dress shirt. Katsuki watched him with tired eyes, he watched how Izuku put down his boots, then his socks before putting a gentle kiss on his foot. Being spoiled by Izuku was an amazing feeling and he didn't want it to stop. Izuku got up, connecting their foreheads while uniting his own tie. Katsuki leaned to kiss him, it was slow, just like they wanted. They continued to bit and lick their lips, but none of them went any further.
When they finally pulled away, lips puffy and red, Izuku continued to undress the rest of his clothes. Katsuki caressed Izuku's cheek, the man leaning into the touch.
Izuku took off his clothes soon after, and Katsuki couldn't keep his eyes away from the tattoos.
It didn't take long for Izuku to join him again in bed, he nuzzled Katsuki into his chest and let out a pleased sigh. His eyes slightly opened when he felt Katsuki's hands wandering on his shoulder, his fingertips touching the detailed tattoos. "Is something wrong?" Katsuki's hand flinched at Izuku's sudden voice, pulling away. "It's nothing."
Izuku squeezed him tighter, petting his blond locks. 
He felt like he was about to die. Izuku woke him up gently at 7:30 and holly shit, it was like the blankets were holding him in bed. But school was school, and falling behind wasn't an option. So he tried to get up, falling back into the bed miserably. Ignoring the low laugh Izuku let out, he tried again, falling from the bed with all the blankets.
Katsuki watched Izuku disappear somewhere, only to come back with a cup of coffee. "This should get you up." "I'm not drinking that crap." He murmured into the blankets on the floor. Izuku did what was necessary and pulled Katsuki up, ignoring the smaller one's protests.
The coffee was forced into his hands, a quick kiss from Izuku before the man left somewhere again. "Oh, and be ready in ten minutes." Izuku yelled from the hallway. Looking at the black liquid with caffeine, he took the first sip. It was bitter, making his eyebrows squeeze in disgust. Katsuki carefully took small sips so he wouldn't burn his tongue, only to pour it out of his mouth when a cold hand touched his back scaring the shit out of him.
"Shoto!" The man smiled at him devilishly, when did he even get here? "You should speed up, Dabi is already waiting." Katsuki drank down the coffee, dressing into his uniform that one of the maids brought him. Shoto waited patiently on the bed, checking his phone.
"Prepare for the lunch break, I want to know everything." "Yeah, yeah. Did we have any homework for today?"
"Yeah, but not much. You will be able to copy it on the breaks."
Taking his backpack, they left the bedroom. When Shoto opened the door, Katsuki was blinded by the morning light. The morning breeze tickled his face just right. It was getting cold, the winter wasn't far away.
Dabi was waiting next to the black Audi Izuku used. Now that he thinks about him, where the fuck is Izuku? No time to think about that now, they need to hurry up if they didn't want to be late.
Both Shoto and he got into the back seat, the engine starting just as he closed the door. The school wasn't far away, and the way there was peaceful, too peaceful.
Katsuki leaned his head on the window, watching the outside world. Shoto was looking at him, he could feel it, but at this sleepy state, he didn't care. When will the caffeine kick in? His eyes were closing, and he didn't notice he was falling asleep again until a hand on his shoulder woke him up.
"We are here."
Already? So he did fell asleep. Both of them got out of the car, Dabi told him that he will be waiting at the gates like usual before driving off.
They both entered the class looking like zombies. Thankfully, none of his classmates asked them anything, except Ejiro, but that was expected.
After telling him they will talk it out on the rooftop he stopped asking, knowing Katsuki won't tell him with classmates around.
When Aizawa came to class, he looked suspiciously at Katsuki. The teacher wanted to say something but stopped himself. "Alright class, today we will start with the history of-"
The words started to fade like they were muffled. His head was empty, and until the end of the class, he barely moved. Aizawa didn't notice or didn't comment which was more than ok with Katsuki.
Sadly, he couldn't focus on the other classes too. They weren't taking any notes, and in English, their second lesson, he wasn't called out.
This day was going pretty smoothly for his liking, but the lunch was yet to come.
The sky was starting to fill with clouds, blocking the sun, only a few lucky beams of light managed to get through them. It was chilly outside, but not enough for them to go inside.
Shoto closed the door behind them before crossing his arms. "Talk." Katsuki ignored him, sitting on the cold floor taking out a lunch he found in his backpack.
Where should he start? "My dad is dead." "WHAT?!" Both Ejiro and Shoto yelled at the same time. "We were attacked, and I couldn't save them in time. Apparently, they were after me." Katsuki continued.
"Just as they wanted to take me out, Izuku saved me. He saved my mum but my Dad didn't make it." Ejiro sat next to him, his arm around Katsuki's shoulders. "Man, I'm sorry to hear that."
"Shut up, it's too late anyway. I was weak." Shoto moved to the other side, looking at Katsuki with an unreadable expression. "Don't say that. It's not your fault." Like he could believe that.
A tear ran down his face, talking about it was making him feel a bit better, but he could feel his walls were breaking too. "When Izuku saved me, we went to Tokyo so he could get some things done. It didn't go as planned and the parties turned into a battlefield and I almost got killed."
Ejiro made a choking sound at that. "That's why you waited so long." He turned to Shoto, and the man nodded in acknowledgment. "And that's about it."
"And that's about it?!"
Ejiro yelled. "You are telling this like it was just some tale. You were almost kill-" "Oh I almost forgot. Me and Izuku are dating."
"What?!" Ejiro threw his hands up while Shoto pinched his nose. Katsuki let out a quiet laugh, it was still a better reaction than them trying to talk him out of the relationship. "Dude, you make my head hurt, now I will have to look out for you."
"I am capable of looking out for my self thank you very much."
"No, you can't." Shoto added, earning an angry glare. "From today on, I'm your new father." Katsuki almost died then and there. "Don't say weird shit, shitty hair! Just what the fuck is wrong with you!"
"Izuku would be pissed if you would call Ejiro daddy instead of him." Katsuki put his head in his hands, letting out a fake sob. "What the fuck is wrong with you all."

A/N The exam is coming soon and I can not wait to write about it, I will put extra effort into those chapters. ( /^ω^)/♪♪

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