Chapter 23 - Yakuza

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                              Chapter 23

None of them moved, watching the door with an intense stare, waiting for practically anything. The bartender stood in front of him, pointing the shotgun at the door.
The door creaked open just a bit, not enough to see the person behind them. "Don't kill me, grandpa. The familiar voice put everyone at ease. Fuck, Katsuki will kick the man's ass for this.
Izuku was standing in now fully open door. His side was bleeding, new scratches showed on the man's face together with a blueish bruise, but at least he was still smiling.
"Hey there, gorgeous." Katsuki was the first one Izuku turned around to, and it didn't take long before the man walked to him and got too touchy. "Izuku?"
A sharp voice stopped Izuku from nuzzling with Katsuki any longer. The man looked at the woman with a cheerful smile, showing Katsuki.
"Katsuki, this is Shimura Nana, my mentor. Nana, this is Katsuki Bakugou, my lover." Nana raised an eyebrow at that, and Katsuki couldn't hold back the blush. It was hard to understand just how blunt Izuku can sometimes be.
"Didn't you say your name is Kacchan?" Oh yeah, he did. "It's a cover name." "I gave it to him." Izuku said proudly, nuzzling Katsuki again. "I can see that. What are you doing in my territory anyway?"
The bartender left somewhere without a word, and the woman didn't seem to mind. Katsuki watched the light from the lanterns flicker on Izuku's now speculating face and the woman looking at him. Her strong gaze made him feel so small, and that didn't happen many times.
"I'm here to put down a competition." It was a short but true answer, and the woman was satisfied. "How did that go?" "I've got a lot of people on my side, and the attack they pulled was in my benefit. The villains despise them now, so more will be joining me later." Just as Izuku finished the sentence, the bartender came back with an aid kit and some wet towels.
"Please sit here sir." Izuku didn't complain, putting down his dress shirt and sitting on the wooden chair. Katsuki's breath got stuck in his throat at the sight of Izuku's tattooed body. He remembered Izuku didn't want to show them to him, now he knows why. "You are a Yakuza." His voice was small, and the hurt tone from Izuku not telling him was well heard.
The man winced quietly, cursing under his breath. "Yes, I'm part of the Yakuza." Izuku lowered his head in shame, while Katsuki looked at him in disbelief.
He was sure if Izuku would tell him before, he wouldn't be as angry and hurt as now. But, Izuku did it to get stronger, to kill the one's against him, to save him.
"Alright, " Katsuki said in a calm voice, looking at everyone in the room. Izuku had his head still lowered and the woman looked half done with their bullshit. "I will be waiting at the bar." Getting closer to the door, he looked one more time at Izuku. Not getting any reaction, he left.
Just as the door closed, Nana spoke. "It's the first time you brought anyone here in a long time." Nana said, lightning a cigarette. Izuku sighed into his hands. "I wanted you to meet him, but not like that." "How long did you wanted to keep it a secret from him?"
Izuku looked away. "I don't know, it's hard to talk about something that would upset him."
The light flickered again, and the room became quiet. "*huff* Go make some tea for that kid, and Izuku, make it up to him, because shit, sometimes I wonder about how high your IQ is."
Izuku laughed, wincing when the wet towel touched the wound. "I will get patched up and leave as fast as I can, and I promise to invite you to our wedding." Nana waved him off, her attention getting back at the cigarette.
It didn't take long for Izuku to clean the wound and bandage it. He thanked his mentor, saying goodbye before leaving the room. When he entered the bar, Katsuki was drinking tea with the bartender, both of them having a small talk. Izuku almost didn't want to interrupt the relaxed expression on Katsuki's face. It was obvious he was sleepy and the warm green tea was putting his body into a calming state.
"It's time to go." If they wanted to get home in the planned time, they will have to go now. Katsuki looked up, shocked that he didn't notice Izuku sooner. With a nod, Katsuki thanked for the tea and followed Izuku out of the door.
With Katsuki behind him, they went to Izuku's car. None of them said a word. The quiet stretched until they arrived closer to the car.
"Katsuki." Bakugou perked up when he heard his name. Izuku pushed him against the car, trapping Katsuki with hands on either side of his head. "Please don't be mad, gorgeous. I'm so-" "I'm not mad." Izuku looked startled like his words were taken from him and he didn't know what to say. "You had a reason to do it, I'm not saying I'm ok with it but I'm not mad at you either."
The relief that hit Izuku almost made his legs stop working underneath him. "I-" he was once again cut off by Katsuki putting his index finger on Izuku's lips, before coming closer and giving Izuku a quick kiss. Izuku was so stunned he didn't notice Katsuki putting one of his hand aside and leaving him to get into the car.
After a full minute, Izuku was back in his body, shaking his head to get control of himself. The smile appeared back on his face, his fingers touching his lips where Katsuki kissed him. Yeah, he would kill for Katsuki.
The way back was shorter, not many cars were on the road at this time. Katsuki was half asleep on the seat beside him, ready to pass out any minute. It was fun to watch him fight with sleep, the times when Katsuki jerked awake because he lost consciousness, looking around and when no danger was found, leaning back with an adorable huff.
"We are almost there, just a bit longer." And it was true, they were already in the city where the hideout was. Dabi already texted him that one of Katsuki's classmates is waiting for him, but Izuku will leave that as a surprise.
The night sky was clear, and he wanted so badly to take a picture of Katsuki looking at it. His eyes reflected the stars so beautifully Izuku almost crashed because of looking at them for so long. Katsuki fell asleep close to their hideout and waking him up felt like a sin to Izuku.
"Wake up gorgeous, we are here." Katsuki's eyes perked open, immediately widening at the beautiful garden he could see from the car window. The place was well lit so even at night, you can see the beauty of the flowers, plants, and trees. It was one of the safest and prettiest hideouts, Izuku has a lot of people guarding this place.
"Let's go inside." Izuku said leaving the car first so he could open the door for Katsuki. When Katsuki got up, Izuku put his jacked around the smaller one's shoulders, sheltering him from the cold night.
"Someone is waiting for you inside, and I'm sure he will have a lot of questions."

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