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You was the popular gay girl at school.
All the girls basically loved you.
Even if they were straight.
But you never found the right one.
Except from the girl with glasses.
Madison Beer.
She was stunning.
All the boys loved her.
And the girls.
But she was always in the library, so she was classed as a nerd.
That's why she never had a lover.

You and the jocks were at the table.
"Hey Y/N! BROOO! That slam dunk you did girl was insane!"
"Hey thanks.." you said.
"Hey um grace I'm gonna go in the library and trade a few books.." you said.
"Ok!" Grace said.

But the real reason.
Was Madison.
You walked in, the fresh smell of books, inflamed your nostrils.
"Hey, Y/N! Good game you played today!" The librarian said.
"Hey thanks!" You said.
You walked to the comic section.
Flicking through.
Till someone caught your eye.

Omg y/n is the library!
I repeat.
I replayed that in my head.
She was sooo hot omg.
She was flicking through comic books.
Her hair in French plaits.
She was so cute and hot omg.
Till she picked one and sat down next to me.
My heart was racing like crazy.
Ok Madison calm.
She looked at me and smiled.
Omg my cheeks, I'm blushing like crazy.
"Hi!" She said her deep voice echoing in the library.
"Hey Y/N..." I said.
"You ok?" I said.
She nodded.
I smiled at her.
"God I wish I was you, good looking basketballer, people love you round here y/n... why are you not dating anyone?...." I asked.
"Welll....I have my eyes on someone at the moment.." she said, her eyes locking with mine.
"Who is it?.." I questioned.
"Well she's always in library, wears glasses, asks how I am, people call her a nerd, but I think she's perfect!" She exclaimed.
"'s you..." she said.
"Madison Elle Beer, be mine?" She asked.
"Ummmm y/n yes I will be yours but don't be one of them popular people that just use me for sex!" I said.
"Of course I'll be yours..." I said.
"Meet at 5 by the clock outside school.." said the note she handed me.
She leaned in.
Placing a kiss on my cheek.
Then she left

Madison Beer| Imagines- GXG Where stories live. Discover now