Chapter 1

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Sansa knelt, resting her elbows against the trunk of the weirwood tree. She often came here to pray, it reminded her of her home, Winterfell.

But this one had been cut down... Broken. Just like her. She prayed as hard as she could, pleading with the gods for mercy. She prayed for three things. Robb's victory. Joffrey's death. And for home, for Winterfell. She pleaded as hard as she could but the only thing that echoed in her mind was Cersei's sharp words "the gods don't have mercy, that's why their gods".

"There she is" Jamie squinted into the distance, towards the Stark girl. "Does she know yet?" Jamie questioned his father "she will... Soon enough" Tywin spoke solemnly. "Hasn't she been through enough?" Tywin turned to his son. "Well what do you suggest? Let the Tyrell's marry her to Loras? We need her, it ensures our right to the North, after the Stark boy has been dealt with."
"You always knew you would have to marry after the King dismissed you from the kingsguard." Jamie looked away from his father, being a knight in the kingsguard was the only thing that kept him close to Cersei, the only thing he cared about.

He didn't want anyone else but his sister, he knew it was wrong but he could help who he loved. He pitied the Stark girl, Jamie didn't want to marry her, or anyone for that matter.


Sansa sat by the window staring out towards the sea. She turned to see Shae entering her room "you're already awake?" Sansa walked towards her dressing table and sat in front of the hazy mirror. She glanced at her doll, the doll her father had given her. Which she threw back in his face. She wished she could go back. Back to Winterfell. Back to her family.

Shae started to brush through her long red hair. After she had finished, Shae began to lace up her dress. Before Shae could start to lace it up, there was a loud, thunderous knock. Her chamber door swing open to reveal Joffery he stood their smirking. He walked in freely eyeing Sansa who stood silently. "Leave us" Joffrey ordered. Shae glanced to Sansa who nodded quickly. "I guess you haven't heard the news yet?" Joffery didn't wait for an answer "You're going to become a Lannister" Sansa felt her her chest grow tight. "You're to marry my Uncle Jamie".

Sansa still stood glued to the spot staring at the floor. Joffrey impatiently walked over to Sansa who looked up into his cold green eyes. "Did you hear me? You're going to be a Lannister" the words rang in Sansa's ears. Joffery looked up and down Sansa. Joffery placed his hands on Sansa's bare skin, a cruel smile appeared on his face as he pressed on the purple marks, making Sansa flinch in front of him. Tears started to fall down Sansa's marked cheeks, she had learnt that fighting the tears made him angrier, it was easy to let them fall. Joffrey backed away pleased, "I'll see you in court" Joffrey slammed the door behind him, leaving Sansa alone, quivering.

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