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"You're not exactly looking defeated," Leif says.

I stare straight ahead and march down the palace hallway, flanked by Leif and Kyron. "I'm here, aren't I?"

"You are, but you also look like you're about to bring this entire city to its knees. Perhaps toning down the sass is a good idea," Kyron says.

"She's incapable," Leif mutters.

I ignore the two as I turn down the next corridor, heading for the parlor where a guard informs us the king is waiting. It's strange to be here amongst the lavish decor and rich history of the palace. Everything looks as it did when I left, but it also feels new and a little out of place. It feels a lot like I do.

We reach the thick wooden doors of the parlor, and a guard opens them and announces us to those inside. I'm the first to enter the room. It's bathed in light from the floor to ceiling windows, framed in deep red drapes and a fire burning in the river rock fireplace. Micah and Borin sit together on one of the two couches, and a floral, overstuffed chair dwarfs my mother's wispy frame.

I fight back a gasp; she looks even worse from when I last saw her. Her skin is a sickly hue, her blue eyes sunken in, and her red hair is streaked in gray. But when she sees me, one side of her mouth pulls up into a smile.

Wearing stoic expressions, Micah and Borin stand and my mother follows. Kyron and Leif fall to a knee and bow their heads, and I remain standing, meeting the disappointment in Micah's eyes.

He looks away and gestures for the men to rise, saying, "Thank you for escorting Raelle home. I greatly appreciate your weekly updates and efforts to keep her safe these past months, General LeFur and Captain Stone."

"It was our honor to watch over her, Your Majesty," Leif says, as him and Kyron stand again.

"We look forward to your briefing tomorrow morning, General LeFur, but before then, my husband and I would like to invite you to dinner tonight. It is the least we can do to show our gratitude." Borin says with a kind smile.

Kyron clasps his hands behind his back and replies, "It would be my honor to join you, Your Highness."

Micah sinks into the chair my mother abandoned, crosses his legs, and props his chin on his thumb. "Thank you again, gentlemen. You are dismissed."

Leif gives my fingers a gentle squeeze and leaves with Kyron.

The room falls silent, with nothing but the crackling fire and the buzzing of gifts to fill the void. Now that I know what I am, I feel their powers more intensely—Borin's heated light, the tremble of the earth interacting with Micah, and my mother emanating the peaceful fragrance of eucalyptus and roses. Her attempt to ease the tension in the room does little to calm me as I struggle to contain my gift and keep it from interacting with theirs. My power is the only leverage I have as I try to learn what it is Esmeray wants; it must remain a secret.

Standing next to Micah's chair, Borin clears his throat and cocks a black brow. I risk glancing at the king, and he points the two fingers resting on his cheek to the couch. With a deep inhale, I walk across the room. My mother wraps me in her arms and with a firm hug, we sit.

Micah takes in my drab military uniform and shakes his head. "What you did was irresponsible, rash, and dangerous. Our people are looking to you for guidance, and you owe it to them to be reliable and trustworthy."

"I understand that."

His green eyes dart to mine. "Do you? Do you understand that you defied my orders? Not to mention your mother was worried sick about you."

Worrying my mother is the only thing I'm sorry for. It's clear my absence took a toll on her, and the last thing I wanted was to cause her more anguish. I place my hand over hers above my knee and say, "I'm sorry I didn't talk to you before I left. I tried my best to minimize your worry with a note. And even though everyone clearly knew where I was the entire time, it doesn't mean the moments between updates were easy. I'm sorry I added to your worry, Mama."

"I forgive you," she kisses my forehead, "I know good intentions drove your decisions."

"Did you find what you were seeking with your father's soldiers?" Borin asks.

"You know I didn't," I say with a long sigh.

Questions—he always leads me to revelations with a series of questions. He once told me it is his way of teaching me to make sound judgments. But this time, his path of inquiry is unwarranted. My plan for what comes next is solid, and my resolve is sure, but he doesn't need to know that.

I bow my head as if I'm ashamed, but it is to hide my eyes as I say, "I didn't expect the training to be beyond difficult. Even with the help of General LeFur and his officers, I couldn't master the skills they have. You know how stubborn I can be, but I knew it was time to come clean about who I was and come home. Although it looks like they already knew."

Micah leans forward in his chair and places his palm over my and my mother's hands. "You are too precious to this kingdom, Raelle. You have always lived protected within the capital's walls, but outside of them, there are people who would go to great lengths to harm you. I will not gamble with your safety."

"I understand that now," I quietly say, thinking back to the outlander attack on my way to Basecamp. If it weren't for Nortus getting away, Leif would have never found me. Statera only knows what those monsters would have done if he didn't save my ass.

Borin rests his hand on his husband's shoulder. "It was a hard and much-needed lesson for Raelle. You did the right thing by letting her stay until she was ready to come home, my darling."

Micah looks up at Borin. "You were right, as always."

"I know." The two share a smile, and Borin turns back to me and my mother. "Go clean up. Tonight, we celebrate your return."

I stand and bow. "Thank you for your understanding and patience, my king."

Micah nods, and I loop my mother's fragile arm through mine and exit the parlor with her. We don't make it far before she says just above a whisper, "I'm proud of you, Raelle; you followed your heart. Your father would be proud of you as well."

Her words sting and also fill me with pride. All I want is to please her and my father, to do what is right for our family and kingdom. It is my calling and I plan on never letting her down again.

"I'm sorry I couldn't bring him home with me." I finish the statement in my head, but I promise I will.

" I finish the statement in my head, but I promise I will

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