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I close the journal, stack it with the rest, and stand. "I know what Esmeray wants."

"What?" Kyron asks, following me to the cabinet.

One by one, I place the books in the order I found them, taking advantage of the distraction. My thoughts are a jumbled mess, and I need a moment to sort them and devise my next move. The only things I know for sure are that I have the Eporri, and Kyron will not let me trade myself in the place of my father. I need a rational voice to put this all into perspective for the both of us. Someone who understands the importance of saving my father and finding the best plan to accomplish it.

I lock the cabinet and walk back to the desk to return the key to its hiding place.

"Raelle?" Even in the dim light, the concern in Kyron's eyes blazes.

"I need you to find Leif and for the two of you to meet me in my room. Will you do that for me, please?"

As we exit Micah's study, Kyron says, "Yes."

"Thank you," I whisper before kissing him on the cheek. "Oh! And can you hand this to him?" I place the key to Micah's office in his palm.

"As you wish, Your Grace."

Minutes later, a soft tap comes from my quarter's door. I finish placing another log on the fire and hurry across the sitting room to let Kyron and Leif in. Both men wear worried expressions as they carefully examine me, and I cross my arms over my chest, wishing I'd thought to change out of my nightgown and robe. But my mind hasn't veered far from what I need to say to them.

Leif sits in the center of the cornflower blue sofa, spreading his arms along the back and crossing one leg over the other. I move to the center of the room as Kyron settles in one of the two white and blue striped wingback chairs. They watch me as I fidget, searching for the best way to start the conversation.

With a deep breath, I turn to Kyron and say, "I know where the Eporri is located."

Leif speaks up before Kyron gets a chance. "The E-what?"

As I sigh and close my eyes to collect myself, Kyron explains what we found in the journals. He doesn't leave out any detail about the stones—what they look like and how their powers work. The men discuss how the Statera meant for the Eporri and Posseda to make Pliris formidable among the other four kingdoms and how they were divided. The only thing Kyron doesn't know is that I possess one half of the power.

When the room falls silent, Leif says, "You think that's what she wants?"

"I know that's what she wants. Like Kyron said, Micah took it out of Stigian without her knowing. If she had both stones, she would be the stronger ruler, but he put them on an even playing field."

"If that's the case, you can't intend to give it to her, Elle," Leif says, leaning forward in his seat.

It must sound irrational to them, a distraught daughter willing to sacrifice anything for her father. But I know what the Eporri is capable of, and yes, it will make her the more powerful ruler, but not undefeatable. She hasn't been in contact with this power in over three decades. Wielding it myself, I understand how difficult it is to master.

"I do intend to give it to her," I say.

Leif curls his lip and shakes his head. "You have pulled some crazy stunts, but this—"

"Where is the Eporri, Raelle?" Kyron asks.

"It has taken me almost my entire life to understand the gift living in me—the trembles of power whenever I'm close to a Khiros. It wasn't me sensing it, it was the stone awakening. The stronger the gift, the bigger its response." I reach for the hem of my nightgown and lift the right side to the top of my hip. "I'm not a Cantor, just a Cyffred hiding one of the Sacred Gifts of the Statera."

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