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I lead Kyron deeper into the garden, across the wooden bridge, over the pond of koi fish and lily pads, and past the ornate fountain in the center. We veer from the path and into a small orchard of cherry trees, where the moon lights our way as pink petals dance around us in the wind. Kyron stretches his fingers and runs them along the blossoms adorning the tree branches. His childlike wonder and the pink flowers peppering his black hair make it impossible not to steal glances and smile.

We step out of the orchard and the wall protecting this side of the palace greets us with the calming scent of jasmine. The fragrant vines cling to its surface, thick and speckled in white flowers.

When we reach the furthest corner, I hold out my palm to Kyron and say, "May I?"

He nods and a ball of fire forms in the center of his hand. I take the flame and untangle my fingers from his.

"What exactly is it you want to show me?" he asks.

I brush the vines to the side and run my hands along the wall. My fingertips find the cool metal of a familiar latch and I press down. With a click and a shove of my shoulder, the old wooden door opens, scraping across the ground. "You'll see," I say, lifting my chin toward the dark tunnel.

Kyron follows me inside, and I close the door behind us. The narrow river-rock-lined passage is long and set at a decline. Neither of us speaks as we hike further underground, mesmerized by the sound of rushing water and the wind howling through the tunnel. We reach another battered wooden door, and I release Kyron's flame. With an aggressive yank, the door opens, and we step under the clear night sky.

"Almost there," I say, hiking up the hem of my dress and following a crude dirt trail.

We reach the top of the hill, and Kyron sucks in a breath. A huge gazebo made of white stone covered in wisteria sits on what appears to be the edge of the world. He pauses to take it in, but I lace my finger with his and lead him inside.

A flame burns brightly in a copper basin in the center of the open space. Stone benches sit along the outer edge, blending with the pillars holding the dome roof. The gazebo is magnificent in its simplicity, but it doesn't compare to what awaits beyond its borders.

Kyron and I walk to the far end, drawn forward by the calm rush of water. The gazebo stands guard over a bottomless chasm. Across the divide, tall trees line a waterfall that rushes over the edge in an endless stream. To the east, the sun continuously glows behind a snow-capped mountain, and to the west, lightning graces a perpetual night sky. The picture before us is nature in perfect harmony.

"What is this place?" Kyron asks, soaking in the most astonishing sight I'm sure he's ever seen.

"The Omnis—it's believed to be one of the most powerful places in the five kingdoms. All ten of the gifts bestowed upon the Pliris people reside here. It's sacred land, even the Statera Sibyls set wards to protect it. Micah must invite you, and he reserves those invitations for very special occasions, like weddings or funerals. One road leads in and out of this place, but I found the secret passage about eight years ago. I come here whenever I need to get away. It's my version of the Aurora."

Kyron smiles at my mention of his secret hideaway and places his hands on the stone railing. His gaze follows the fragments of light reflecting off the water in blue and purple glows. "I didn't know such a place existed. Then again, I've spent most of my life at Basecamp or on the battlefield."

"You don't remember anything about living in Stigian?"

He shakes his head, and a forlorn expression takes residence on his face. "Have you ever had a memory you can't tell if it's real or something you dreamed?"

Crown of Iron (Book 1 of the Crown Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now