Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

I looked Alexis in the eyes. “I’m pregnant Lex.” I whispered I went and sat beside her “You’re not going to leave me are you?” I asked her. I know some friends don’t want to deal with it, and ditch their friends.

“Never. How could you think that?” She asked he sounding hurt

“Well that’s good, because if I keep it, that baby’s going to need her Auntie Lex” I said trying to lighten the mood.

“What do you mean if?” she gasped “You’re not going to have a-”

“No!” I yelled “I could never do that. I mean adoption” I said

“How are you going to tell Damon?” she asked and I just looked at her, saying nothing “Arianna, you have to tell him!”

“How! He doesn’t even know we had sex.”

“You can’t keep the baby and not tell him, or give it up without asking him Arianna”

“I know” I whispered “You took child development with me, Miscarriages are more common in teens, and it usually happens in the first trimester. How about we make a deal”

“Arianna, don’t talk like that, that would be horrible! And what deal?” she asks

“I’m not hoping for it, just trying to buy time. Deal is you say nothing more about me needing to tell him until week thirteen, after I’m past three months. That gives me a month and a half to think things through before adding another opinion”

“Fine, but what about your parents?”

“I know I need to tell them, and I will, I just need time to process things.”

She nodded “I understand” she hugged me “I love you no matter what Ariskye”

I groaned “Worst nickname ever”

“What, the sky is airy and breezy and free” she smiled

“Shut up” I threw a pillow at her.

“I’ve been calling you that for like 15 years, just to annoy you”

“You’re the best friend I could ever ask for” I hugged her

The next day at school was the hardest. It was the first time I had to face Damon knowing that I was for sure, pregnant and carrying his child.

It hadn’t fully set in yet that there is a little person growing inside of me, it’s weird to think about.

When I walked into calculus, Damon was already there, but I was not in the mood to deal with him, I didn’t throw up this morning, meaning I just feel nauseous to no end.

“Hey, what was wrong yesterday?”

‘I found out I’m pregnant with your child’ I thought to myself, but didn’t actually answer him.

“Arianna?” Why can’t he just leave me alone? He let out a frustrated breath, but I still wouldn’t look at him or talk to him.

“What the hell is your problem?” he snapped at me

“You!” I yelled at him, I just can’t keep my emotions in check right now “Now leave me the fuck alone”

“What the hell did I do to you?” Not going to answer “Or maybe that’s the problem.” What the hell does that mean? He leaned in closer to me “Is all the talk Alexis and I have of Skye making you jealous, do you want me Arianna?” he said smugly

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