Chapter Seventeen

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Sorry about the last cliffhanger :)

But a new update is here!! haha


Chapter Seventeen


I’m stuck with him for a week.

How am I going to spend a week with him without him knowing the truth?

My phone vibrated and I opened the text

If he doesn’t know by the time you leave that school, I’m going to tell him myself.

I do not need this right now, Lex! xxArixx

Love you babe, don’t piss him off.

Love you too, use protection, don’t want another teen pregnancy! xxArixx

SHUT UP! We are NOT going to have sex!

Right, right. Just make sure you have condoms, be safe. Oh and tell me all the details later ;) xxArixx

Maybe I should have told you that before Damon’s party

You really went there? Way to be a bitch xxArixx

I’M SORRY! I love you.

Well that comment was slightly rude, so I put my phone back on the desk and someone cleared their throat, making me jump again. Forgot he was here.

He looked freezing! I felt horrible for him, and just wanted to drag him to the locker room so he could shower and get warm before changing into some dry clothes.

He was wearing a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and a hoodie, and was soaked all the way through. He was shivering.

“So, what’s going on?” he was standing there with his hands in his pockets.

“Were stuck for about a week” I sighed “They said there’s too much flooding, and the wind speed is too high. We need to stay indoors and wait it out”

“Great, of all the people to be stuck with, I get stuck with a spoiled princess” I don’t think that was meant for me to hear, but still, is he serious!

“Excuse me, what the hell did you just say?” Alexis said not to piss him off, and I was going to go with that, but he really is an asshole.

“I said ‘Great, of all the people to be stuck with, I get stuck with a spoiled princess’ are you deaf?” Oh hell no.

I walked across the room and slapped him across the face “What the fuck is your problem!” I yelled

I can’t keep a handle on these emotions to save my damn life, it’s so frustrating.

I felt bad for hitting him, he may be a jerk, but I didn’t need to hit him. I was going to apologize when he opened his mouth again.

“Oh that’s right, I’m the one with the problem, because we can’t all be as perfect as Arianna Hope!” he scoffed.

That idea went out the window and couldn’t help but voice my opinion about him

“And Damon’s back! Can you go a whole day without being a complete prick?”

God, I felt bad again for calling him a prick, what the hell is wrong with me! I need to think before I speak.

“I’ll try, maybe I’ll go start an orphanage so people will like me, or get a teacher wrapped around my finger so I can pass at the top of my class.”

Stranded With Secrets Of Past Mistakes [Under Rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now