Chapter Eighteen

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AH! I know i said the chapters would all be shorter from now on, but i added a lot more dialogue and went more in depth with the cooking scene then i planned on doing.

Chapter Eighteen

I just stared at him, frozen.

Oh crap, how much did he hear me say, I said daddy to the baby, and I just hope he didn’t hear that.

“Are you going to answer me? You’re pregnant?” he asked me again

“Yes, I’m pregnant” I confirmed

“So you don’t have an ulcer?” he asked

“Nope. How much did you hear?” I asked cautiously.

“That you would gladly get fat for the baby, why?” he asked slowly.

“I said the baby’s father’s name, and I don’t want anyone knowing.” I half lied

“Who is he?” he asked me.

“Nobody. Can you please leave me alone now?” I pleaded, I just didn’t want to fight anymore, I was emotionally tired.

“Nope,” he reached a hand down “Come on, let’s go make sure the doors are all locked”

I stared at him and ignored his hand. “How did you find me?” I asked

He is slightly stalker like.

“I’m sorry. I came to tell you what I said was uncalled for and rude. I ran after you, but didn’t know exactly where you went until I heard you talking to yourself, or well, your baby.”

Our baby.

“Why do you care if you hurt my feelings or not, you obviously didn’t in the library?”

“Can we walk and talk?” he asked.

Hell no, get the hell away from me!

I thought about it, and we really did need to check the doors, so I nodded and went to get up. He reached down and grabbed my hands and pulled me up.

Why must you always touch me?

“Thank you” I figured I would be polite. And we started walking towards the offices to start there.

“I am sorry for what I said in the library” he said after we had been walking in silence for a few minutes

“Why do you hate me so much?” I asked him and he chuckled and then sighed

“I don’t hate you, Arianna” yeah not yet, just wait till I tell you that I lied to you not only at the party, but for the past almost three months at school, and this baby is really yours.

You’re always sorry

He stopped and faced me. “I know”

Crap, did I say that out loud?

“Yes, you did. And you’re right, I am always sorry, and I am always screwing up and being an asshole to you.” I stared into him eyes, and couldn’t look away.

He brought his hand up and brushed some hair away from my face. We stayed locked in eye contact for at least a couple minutes.

He had such amazing eyes, and right now they showed such honestly and compassion, his eyes flickered to my lips causing me to snap out of it and break the eye contact.

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