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When I push open the door to the frat house, there's so much noise that I'm taken back by it. I didn't think anyone was here aside from Xavier, but there seems to be some sort of party going on.

A couple of guys look me up and down by the banister of the staircase, immediately making me feel uncomfortable. I just thought I was coming over to hang out and watch Netflix, not attend a party.

I definitely regret wearing just leggings and a crop top, especially with these pervs staring me up and down. Where the hell is Xavier?

"Hey, look who it is!" Dion enters into the hallway from the kitchen and sends a dazzling smile towards me. I look behind me to see if he's talking to someone else, but when he pulls me in for a hug I'm in shock.

"Hey." I reply warmly. "I didn't know you guys were having a party?"

"Wasn't supposed to be." He chuckles and takes another sip from his red solo cup. "Rodney invited over a few people, but then they invited a few people... and now it's turned into this."

"Seriously? Wow." I look around at all of the people and let out a sigh of disbelief. I'm definitely going to have to help clean up later. Xavier and I seem to always be on clean up duty since we're the ones sober.

"Yeah, I think it's going to be the last one before Christmas break. Speaking of that by the way, are you going home with Xavier again this year?"

The guys to the right of us keep staring at my ass. I shift away so that I'm standing out of their gaze, and Dion notices because he rolls his eyes and wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Let's go find your man, shall we?"

Letting out a laugh, I nod and allow him to lead us through the crowd of people into the kitchen.

A part of me wants to answer his last question, but I also don't know how I want to respond. I miss Xavier's family so much, and our time together last year in New York was the most fun I've ever had, but going back there with him so soon just seems wrong, right? It's wrong. I need to keep telling myself that it is anyways.

We see him standing over in the corner with a couple other guys. He's laughing about something they're saying, and as I stare at him I find it hard to breathe suddenly. All of the air seems to be sucked out of the room from how fucking sexy he looks.

He's wearing a pair of grey sweatpants that show way too much, a jean jacket with a red hoody underneath along with a pair of sneakers. That same chain around his neck is flashing from the lights in this room, and I find myself entranced by that until he licks his lips to wet them, enveloping himself into another conversation with someone else.

How the hell does this man want me? I ask myself that every single day. I'm so good at acting like I'm the hottest thing around, but I know deep down that I've got more issues than anyone can count. Yet, Xavier sees all of these issues and still wants me. Only me. I don't get it.

His eyes finally meet mine, those heavenly, dark brown eyes that always seem to make me dizzy. They grow darker once he looks me up and down. Fuck. I want him. I want him now.

I don't care that he's talking to other people, I don't care that I'm going to take him away from the party, all I care about is the two of us seeming to be the only ones in the room right now.

"I found her next to a few creeps." Dion chuckles. "I'm on my way to go pick up Amelia, but I figured I'd help her find you before I head out."

"Thank you." We tell him unanimously as Xavier's hand wraps around my waist to pull me into him. His cologne smells so freaking good.

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