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"Okay, I'm just saying that I wouldn't have cut him off." Logan shrugs when I give him a dirty look. "You were so happy two weeks ago when I saw you. You still seem okay, but definitely not as good as you were."

I've gone back and forth with Logan and Loretta about this for days. I understand that I was happy, of course I was happy, but I'm not doing this entirely for me. A lot of this healing has to do with making sure he doesn't get hurt again. That's what nobody seems to understand.

"You think I enjoy being away from him?" I ask. "It's not easy in the least bit. This is just what's best for him."

"I just think you're scared to genuinely be happy." He replies bluntly. "Let's face it, you never know what to do when-" He starts to cough, and then he can't seem to stop coughing. I start to panic after ten seconds, but he finally gains control and sends me a sympathetic stare. "Sorry." He mutters. "It's just getting worse."

Things have really gone downhill since I've been visiting him more. Instead of coming in to see him sitting up with a smile on his face, he's resorted to lying down instead. Since his mom normally goes on business trips on the weekend, that's when I sneak over to come and see him. I've been able to hide the fact that his mom doesn't want me seeing him for the past couple of weeks now, and I'm hoping I can continue to do that without getting caught.

"You don't have to apologize." I say softly, rubbing the expensive comforter between my fingertips. "I've been here for awhile, so if you need me to go then I can. I won't mind."

"I'd never want you to leave." He smirks, still finding it within himself to cheer me up. I don't know how he does it. "But, it is getting late. Are you sure you won't let me pay for an Uber? I don't get why you always say no. Is the bus really that exciting?"

"That's a two hour Uber ride!" I stand up from the bed and grab my purse that's sitting on the chair that looks too rich to sit in. "Do you know how expensive that would be?"

Letting out a sigh, he coughs again as he tries to hold back a laugh. "I have egyptian cotton pillows." He says, which causes me to smile. "I think I can afford an Uber, Garcia."

I decline again as I lean over to give him a hug. I'd never let him pay for me for anything and he knows it. I've taken the bus for as long as I can remember. One more night won't kill me.

"Before you go," He leans over to his nightstand and pulls out a blue envelope from the drawer. "This is for you."

Twirling the card around in my hands, I arch my eyebrows up at him. "For?"

"Just because." He smiles, but it's not his normal cocky one. It's meaningful. "I want you to have it."

Before I'm able to say anything, there's a couple of knocks on the door to his room.

"Honey, I got home early, and I-"

Oh shit.

I want to run and hide. I want to be anywhere but here. His mom is shocked when she sees me, and she's clearly unable to hide the fact from her son that she doesn't want me here.

"Oh." She says with annoyance. "I didn't realize you had company."

Her eyes trail down to the envelope in my fingertips before they shoot over towards Logan. "Are you kidding me?" She asks in disbelief. "We talked about this." She seethes. "You're going to regret this, Logan."

What is she talking about?

"Mom." He warns, and I've never heard his voice so serious before. "Enough about it."

"Um, am I missing something?" I ask. "What's going on?"

"Garcia, just go." Logan says. "Open it when you get home, okay?"

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