Only if you let me 。˚ ♡. ཾ •

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The next morning I woke up to warm sunlight coming from Ellie's window. Opening my eyes to see her serene face inches from mine. Her soft features were adorned with cinnamon-colored sprinkles that soaked in the rays so beautifully. Her arm was draped across my body. Faces so close if I puckered my lips they'd meet hers. She surrounded me.

I wish I could stay here forever. There's only one more person who could make this moment perfect. Ellie looks so at peace which is good since she has patrol later on today and she needs the rest. I couldn't help but think about how she should take better care of herself as I began sliding myself out of her arms.

Once free, I proceeded to use the bathroom and get ready for the day. After I was all done, being sure to keep quiet for El's sake I decided to leave a note. As I wrote a silly short poem for her, my imagination drew to thoughts about how much I wish I could watch her read it. My mind can't envision a better start to my day than the life-breathing warmth of her smile. Making my way to the door I remembered I missed something. Turning on my heels, I slyly tiptoed to Ellie's side of the bed.

Leaning over I noticed her hair in her face and routinely slid it back behind her ear. Leaving a kiss on her cheek in its place.
Making my way back to the door and outside into a snow-covered Jacksonville, my boots patted down the snow-covered paths until I was past the Bison. Heading towards the children's school to the cork boards outside. As I looked through all the posters trying to see if there was anything newsworthy I heard a familiar voice yelling "I'm so gonna get you for that you little shits!"

Walking towards it I found just the girl I was looking for. "Dina!?" She swiftly turned her head to me after narrowly dogging a snowball. She jogged up to the fence I was leaning on with a smile. "Hey Y/n"

"Hey D, sorry to pull you away from the battlefield." I said with a laugh. Her chuckle shortly followed. "It's ok I'd rather be talking to the prettiest girl in Jackson any day."
"You mean yourself?" I asked mocking confusion. Dina's smile widened as she laughed. She tilted her head down and watched herself drag a line through the snow with the tip of her boot.

Looking back up she stared at me and gave a sweet smile. I smiled back and tilted my head to the side questioningly- "You gonna stare all day?"
"Only if you let me."
Before I could even register a response, suddenly Dina was grasping my hands frantically, instinctually going into mama bear mode as she noticed my hands were bare.

"What did I say about gloves? Do you wanna get frostbite idiot?!" I shook my head at her, smirking. "Nuh-uh. Can't get frostbite if I've got you to keep my fingers all nice and warm and attached, wrapped up in yours. Right?" Her face deadpanned.
"Wrong. Your lucky I know how stupid your stubborn ass can be and I brought an extra pair." She said as she clearly held back a grin.

Giving an eye roll instead, she playfully slapped the gloves onto my palm and closed my hand around them. "And actually put them on please." Removing my hand from her grasp and slipping the black leather fabric over my wrist I muttered a
"Thanks." at herfeeling a little embarrassed for being scolded.

It seems I've been getting a lot of that these days. Feeling Dina's hand grasping my wrist I brought my attention back to her. "I don't mean to be such a mom all the time I just worry about you." She said letting out a semi-frustrated sigh. Frowning I rushed to try and comfort her.

"It's ok. I deserve it most of the time and besides, without you, I'd probably be down to 3 fingers and Ellie would definitely be missing some toes!" I replied jokingly with just a tad bit of seriousness. Dina smiled again and pulled me towards the opening of the gate to my right.

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