Save your bullets。˚♡. ཾ •

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Snow violently whipped around us as we rode towards the gated residence. Gunshots was all that could be heard. Finally making it behind the gates, I watched as her friends tried to clear the area before infected piled up and overwhelmed the barrier.

"Save you bullets!"  Looking to the man shouting this and watching him finish them off with a molotov came with a sense of relief once I couldn't hear or see anymore infected. "Let's get inside!" 
The same man instructed. Maybe he's in charge here?

Looking up I admired the huge structure. Abby wasn't kidding when she said mansion.
While we got off the animals and lead them inside a woman with a puff atop her head and a green jacket approached us, she started speaking to the brothers. Looking to the right I watch the man that I assumed was leading them ask Abby to talk.

Everyone migrated to the the room behind us. Standing near the large windows I kept my eye on them seeing as their conversation seemed heated.
"How long y'all been here?" Tommy said drawing my attention towards him. "Since yesterday." Said the bearded man walking by me. He had a man bun and cargo pants on. "Yesterday?" Joel questioned.

"Yup."  Hearing the door shut I looked to it seeing another one of their men standing in front of it. This made me uneasy. Their was so many of them and I had run out of amo again a long time ago. They seemed friendly so far but you can never be too careful. We where at a disadvantage and I began to worry.

Joel looked to the man adorned in a cap and hoodie. "What are y'all doing out this way" he casually continued the conversation, simultaneously pressing for answers. We needed to know their intentions. "Oh, just passing through. Y'all live nearby?" He asked glancing back as he moved past Tommy.

"We do. A few hours down the hill. Y'all should come back with us. Restock before you head out."  Tommy offered generously, earning a thanks from the short haired woman standing with her arms crossed before she introduced herself as Mel. Tommy ran through introductions again for Abbys friends. "And last this is my brother.."
"Joel." The room became quite once he said this.

The woman on the couch behind him uncrossed her legs quickly and sat up. The man next to her doing the same. Their sudden movements caused me to stand from my leaning positions on the cool window. Slipping my knife into my hands discreetly, I realized gramps was not beside me. Searching the room for him with my eyes, I found him leaning on the wall next to one of the chairs behind Abby.

The air seemed to thicken after Joel introduced himself. These people must know him.
Articulating my thoughts Joel spoke again in the now deadly silent room. "Y'all act like you've heard of us or something."
Realizing all too late that Abby now stood raising a shotgun to Joel, I had no time to react."That's cause they have."

I was completely frozen, in stark contrast to my Grandfather who had immediately pulled a machete from one of her companion's sheaths. He aimed to slice into the woman from behind. It all happened so fast.

Suddenly everything was blurry. My eyes welled with tears. A strangled cry involuntary left my throat as I watched the man beside Abby quickly reach for his pistol and put a bullet in my grandfather's temple.

His body ceased all motion causing him to pause mid-swing, only a few inches from driving the blade into Abbys skull. His form swayed to the side before it crumbled to the floor. The weapon fell out of his hands and scuttled across the tiles. A shotgun sounded but I couldn't  look away from Grandpa Eugenes lifeless eyes.

"NO!" Tommy yelled trying to retaliate only to be restrained, beaten over the head and knocked unconscious. Crying out again i felt my knees give in as my body racked with uncontrollable sobs and strangled protest at the image before me. Suddenly I felt a harsh shove at my back and my hands being pulled behind me.

With my chin and the rest of my body now being forcibly pressed to the floor, my knife was taken from my hands. Struggling to get away proved useless as the person on top of me held me down with unrelenting strength.

Still in hysterics I was forced to remain eye contact with the body rapidly loosing heat across from me. Shutting my eyes tightly at the vomit inducing sight I could only listen as Joel helplessly called out to his brother.

Suddenly I heard a struggle then yells of objection from the father figure. "Get off me! Get off me!" A Yelp of suffering followed the protest. Fuck I didn't even realize she had shot him. "Joel!" I called out in panic. "Let her go. She's just a kid."
"We will, once were finished with you." uttered a male voice.

I tried to twist my head in Joel's direction which only resulted in my chin being pressed harder into the floor. Maybe it was for the best. I knew the sight wasn't gonna be pretty but regardless I had to see what was going on.
I had to do something.
Wether it be witnessing another loved one be taken from me or by some miracle finding some hidden hulk like strength and saving him.

The latter was impossible of course but I couldn't stop the voice in my head from pleading with any worldly force that would listen to grant me this strength. Better yet to just make all this stop.

It dawned on me that I would be just as useless with the extra strength as I am now. These people were killers and I was not. Even if I did manage to magically get out of the death grip this guy had on my wrist and back of my head, then what? I was outnumbered, weak, and utterly helpless.

"Joel Miller..."  I heard Abby speak, her tone sopping his name in hatred.
"Who are you?"
"Guess."  She said maliciously.
Their was a moment of silence before Joel's voice entered my ears again. "Why don't you say whatever speech you've got rehearsed and get this over with."

Over with? those words sent me into a scared frenzy. I squirmed in panic, I have to do something! Anything before this gets any worse.
"Tourniquet his leg." what is she planning on doing?

Is she gonna-  "Do it!"
Is she gonna torture him! My mind raced with thoughts of having to listen to Joel in agony. I unconsciously yelled at the mere thought. "No!" Getting a second wind of energy I started struggling again. "Get the fuck off me!"

Lifting my legs and placing my feet on the window, I bent my knees and pushed off of it. The man grew tiered of my thrashing and socked me in the side of my head, letting out a "Quiet!"  I continued trying to break free. The man pounded into my head a few more times. "Leave her alone!" Joel angrily screamed.
"Don't you fucking move" was given in response. The entire right side of my face was throbbing. My mind was fogged and for a minute i thought I'd pass out. I wish I had.

Joel released a "God dammit!" mixed in with painful grunts expressing his agony. "Clear out" who are these people? Why are they doing this?
"You stupid old man..." she let the insult hang in the air until she continued.
"You don't get to rush this."

The statement was followed by what I could only assume was the sickening sound of metal meeting bone. "STOP! STOP PLEASE!"  Growing tired of hearing my pleas, a pair of  brown boots stomped over towards the side of my face. "Jesus you ain't shut her up yet?!" Before I knew it I was out cold after they followed the sentence up with a swift kick to my head.

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