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Riley's eyes darted from Agent Smith to Dr Patel studying their expression, which never changed from one of expectation.

He rubbed his eyes now almost certain that sleep deprivation was playing tricks on him, or maybe he was still asleep in his bed. But the two were very much still in front of him, waiting for him to say something.

"OK..." was all he managed.

Are they recruiting me?

Agent Smith must have thought that was enough because he resumed his monologue, theatrically extracting a small remote from the inner pocket of his jacket. Riley had to repress the need to look for a secret audience. The whole situation was deeply surreal.

"We believe you could be a great asset to MI6 because of your military training and your professional and personal skills." He pointed the remote to the ceiling, and a projector came to life, illuminating the blank wall yellow. "So, what do you think?"

So that is it?

They liked his resume and bubbly personality? Was it all it took?

Riley cleared his throat, buying himself some extra time. "Can I refuse?"

This time Dr Patel spoke. "Yes Mr Murphy, you're not being sentenced. However, in that case, we would have nothing to leverage your breach of confidentiality. You tried to steal secret information and we can't make it go away. I'm not threatening you, I'm just explaining the facts."

Riley nodded and Dr Patel leaned closer to him. "Besides, would you really turn down this opportunity?" The tempting spark in her eyes mirrored Riley's.

Not in a million years.

Riley smiled, a little sheepishly. "I am intrigued, I must admit," he said eventually and Dr Patel smiled satisfied.

"That's what we thought," Agent Smith declared almost cheerfully. Then he pressed a button on the little remote and a document appeared on the wall. "These are the details of your first mission," he said now down to business.

Straight into it.

"We want you to make contact with one of our operatives, code name Absolem. You are to meet the agent at this address on Saturday the thirtieth at twenty-three hundred hours. You will need a password to get in, which will be given to you in due course along with an item you will also need for the meeting. Any questions?"

"Is the agent from MI5?" Riley asked.

"No, MI6." Smith replied.

"So why is Dr Patel here? No offence..." Riley questioned again.

"Because the MI6 operation is in conjunction with us..." the woman explained quickly.

Shit, this is big.

If both agencies were involved, it meant the threat was not only eradicated in the UK but also coming from the outside. Whatever it was, it was huge and Riley felt suddenly extremely unprepared for the mission. Still, he kept his poker face on.

Smith switched the projector off and walked back to the desk, he sat on the ergonomic chair behind it and crossed his hands on his lap. "Can you repeat the information on the briefing, please?" je asked.

Riley sighed, then leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees. "I am to meet an operative code name Absolem on the thirtieth at eleven hundred hours at number 8 of Mercer street, WC2H, 6QN," Riley said in a monotone way. "I will need a password and an item, nature unknown, for the meeting both of which will be given to me in due course."

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