Chapter 3

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y/n: I had three choices; 1) I could've simply ignored this text. 2) I could tell you this is a wrong number. 3) I could do it my way, also known as the douchebag way..

y/n: going with number 3, all I do all day is change from one pair of pyjamas to another.. currently I'm wearing a minion pyjama along with an extra large t shirt which has Mickey Mouse on it.. I have tied the sleeves of my jacket on my head...I laughed like a lunatic when you mistook me for someone who could be a stylist.. I have THE WORST fashion sense and i'm not even exaggerating..

y/n: sorry for being so dramatic😛💀



This is the third time he texted the wrong person.. he didn't exactly have too much to drink.. he was seriously planning to fire his assistant.. who even confuses 6s and 9s *uhm uhm*.. why can't his assistant note down a single goddamn contact number..

It is so annoying to constantly text the wrong people.. he had ONE job.. the other members were busy with stuff too.. he just had to contact the friggin stylist.. and why on earth is his mood so fucked up..he should stop drinking maybe.. or fire that good for nothing assistant.. he cannot do the easiest things..



Normally he would ignore the "wrong number" texts and block the contact (one can't risk giving out the contact information if you're is an idol.. even though two other people already had it now) but this person literally sent three texts.. 

 How fucking crazy ,he thought. 

Why bother if it's a wrong number?

But he ended up reading the texts anyway..

"you'd have to be more drunk than I am to send those texts" he said to no one in particular..



He was about to block the contact but then he saw the dp of the person he texted.. he might be drunk but he legit saw an EXTREMELY FAMILIAR face there.. 

He clicked on the dp..

Yep, that's one face I see everyday, he thought

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Yep, that's one face I see everyday, he thought.



He took the risk.. maybe it was the alcohol.. or maybe he was happy that he stumbled upon an army.. but mostly the alcohol..



*unkown*: well, that's a nice picture of J-Hope...


But the person on the other end of the chat had already gone offline..



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