Chapter 20

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y/n:  okay so I'm back..

M: FINALLY, I was about to sleep

y/n: no you weren't, don't lie to me, you were waiting for me😏
y/n: *starts singing jimin's lie* CAUGHT IN A LIEEEEEJDJSNCJFKD

M: lmao, do you always talk like this?

y/n: only when I'm not talking LIKE them.. *I like your sexy brain*

M: you haven't seen my brain..

y/n: I don't need to see it, I already know it😏

y/n: I'm sorry, please ignore me.. I'm high early in the morning...

M: you are?

y/n: high on LIFE, and assignments.. shit my life sucks.. why tf am I so cheerful?

M: y/n, you're reminding me of a teacher I used to have.. she used to ask these weird questions and go on talking without giving us the chance to speak 😂

y/n: yep, so I'm annoying? FINE

M: I never said THAT.. she was annoying, you're.. well.. umm..

y/n: bitch, I'm waiting

M: fun, you're fun

y/n: it took you 10 seconds to come up with a 3 letter basic word, I'm sure your teacher must be proud..

y/n: also, I know I'm fun, nobody goes on talking to a random wrong number if it's not *fun* .. I could be catfishing you, I could be a murderer with 10 bodies in my basement, I could be a gangster.. who knows

M: 10? Is that it? I've got like 27..

y/n: I-👀

M: I'm just being honest

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M: I'm just being honest.
M: lol, nice meme

y/n: oh I totally trust you.. someone who won't even tell me his name? Yes sir.. you are a serial killer for sure
y/n: good that you're far though.. I mean, sure I may not be in love with my life.. but I don't wanna die just yet.. I NEED TO SEE BTS LIVE IN FRONT OF MY FUCKING EYES ONCE BEFORE I DIE

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