Chapter 29

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You had always had trouble comforting people who were crying, but this was Maia, THIS WAS YOUR LIFELINE, YOUR BEST FRIEND, YOUR ONE AND ONLY..

So you went up to her and kept a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm fine" she said.

"It's okay, let it all out" you said.

"I had had enough of him" she said, "I just couldn't take it anymore" and she broke down again.

"I mean, he always thought he could call me out in front of everyone and tell me dictate me as to how I can live my life" she said between sobs.

"Who the fuck says that's okay?" she said and kept her head on your shoulder and cried again.

"I get you Maia" you said and hugged her.

"I'm honestly happy you finally dumped him" Eric said, "can I join the hug too?"

"Shut up idiot, you don't have to ask" Maia said.

Eric laughed and joined the two of you.

"You know you can come too" Eric said, and then you realized that Diego was still there.

"Nah, I don't wanna ruin this" Diego smiled, "the three of you look really good together, and Maia, if you don't mind me saying, you look better without him, he was just holding you back, you'll see how you glow when he's out of your life"

Wow, this boy really said everything I should've said...

"Thank you Diego" Maia smiled at him, "He's nice" she whispered in your ear.

"Shut up" you said, "Who wants ice cream?"

After a session of giggles, gossip and ice cream, the four of you were ready to head back home.

Maia said she needed to be alone with her thoughts tonight, but you made her promise that she'll come to your place for a sleepover the next day..

"If you don't come, I'll make sure I pick you up" you told her.

"Can I come too?" Eric made puppy dog eyes.

"It's a girl's night Eric" you smirked at him.

"Yeah Eric, we'll go clubbing this weekend, the three of us" Maia said.

"Jeez, why are we ignoring this beautiful boy here?" Eric said, pointing to Diego.

"Honestly guys, it's okay, I don't wanna disturb this little family" he smiled.

"You're literally the sweetest person" you said.

"Marry me?" Eric said.

"I was waiting for you to pop the question" Diego chuckled.

"Diego, you should go out with us some day" Maia said.

"I'd love to, but you guys should carry on this time" he said.

With that, everyone headed back home, you dropped off Diego to his house.

"I know you didn't expect the drama that happened today, I'm sorry for it" you didn't know why you were saying this.

"Hey, it's okay, I'm glad she got rid of him" he said.

"Yeah me too" you said, "It's kinda late, I should head back"

"See you tomorrow?" he asked.

"if you're lucky" you smirked and left.

The rest of the day was pretty normal, you worked on your paper, had dinner and went to sleep.

The next morning, you woke up with a start, you couldn't decide if the dream was weird or sexy, it turned out Thorium was sitting on your face..

Your eyes were barely open, but you decided to text Eric and Maia anyway..

y/n: I had the weirdest dream..Jimin was biting my nose.. now I'm torn between 'was it cannibalism or was it sexy?' but Thorium was biting my nose...









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