Chapter 18

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He quickly shut his phone off after changing the topic. He couldn't risk telling her his "job"..

So he just called himself an entertainer.. wtf is that even supposed to mean, I didn't exactly lie...I do entertain people.. but what if she asks me again? What am I supposed to say to her then?

He did believe there was a certain thrill pretending to be someone you're not and talking to a complete stranger, she was nice, a crackhead but cute.. And he did look forward to her texts.

But if she did ask him to explain what "being an entertainer" meant, what would he tell her? Would he block her? Ahhh, why am I wasting time thinking about this?


y/n: *sleep is for the weak*
y/n: and I'm a very weak person.. and I'm super exhausted.. I should actually go to bed now..

Overly dramatic, he thought, and giggled to himself.




The day was relatively less hectic, they were supposed to shoot a run BTS episode the next day so their manager thought it'd be better if they rested.

The entire day went by, doing nothing, just laying on bed, watching TV.



He was just flipping through channels and then;


y/n: *photo*

y/n: I'm seriously trying very hard but it's sad that my collarbone is barely visible..



He didn't understand why he got nervous.. what did she say? Collarbone? 

He read the text again, and again, and again..

He thought before opening it.. surely it must've been a mistake? 

He finally opened it..

He felt..sheepish at first.. she was definitely lying.. her collarbone was showing.. very delicate.. very beautiful.. 

She didn't show her face but he knew she was gorgeous..

He had this sudden urge to touch her.. he couldn't explain it, but something took over him, a very strong desire to be near this girl..

What is she doing to me, this has to be a mistake, but, UGH.. he thought.

He didn't know if he should reply?.. or would she realize her mistake and delete the image and the text? would things get awkward between them now? they had been talking like friends but..he didn't want to stop talking to her.. he looked forward to it.. it was weird but whatever..



M: It isn't that bad...



AND HE HIT SEND.. and regretted it the moment he pressed the button because she came online...

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