Chapter 22

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Author's POV:M

As soon as he sent her a red heart, he threw his phone away and went to sleep, the next day was gonna be pretty long..

He saw her text in the morning..

A purple heart.. well, she is an ARMY, what else did he expect..

But talking to her was making him feel such varied emotions.. what was this?

Why was he feeling funny talking to someone he didn't even know, a fucking wrong number?

He had no idea why he was flirting with her.. what was weirder, she didn't block him for being creepy..

She was probably thinking he was kidding, maybe he was, but maybe he wasn't..

He had some pretty over dramatic friends.. but this girl was so extra over text.. he was laughing just reading her texts..

The fact that he felt jealous of that sexy sneezing guy.. that was one thing he couldn't explain at all!

He could literally get anyone he wanted.. jealousy was an emotion he hadn't felt since high school.. God, it was hilarious getting caught up in emotions..

But what he was really scared of was the topic of him being Korean.. he had been cleverly dodging this topic.. he was scared he might give away who he is..

She might not believe him.. but in case she did, she might lose her mind..considering she was already head over heels in love with him..

He would've almost texted Yoongi hyung's name when the creepy smiley topic came up..but then reality hit him.. and thank god it did..

The entire day seemed to be going pretty slow... the run BTS episode was shot pretty well, it was actually fun, but his mind was kinda preoccupied..

After shooting the episode he went out for dinner with the boys. And 'accidentally' got a little drunk..

Y/n hadn't texted him all day..

Well, was she supposed to? Or should he text her first?

He went back home, decided to take a shower and text her after he came back, but as soon as he came out of the washroom the entire day's tiredness came washing down on him..

He didn't even have the time to wear a t-shirt.. he just passed out on the bed..

He checked his phone as soon as he woke up,

There was finally a text from her.. 10 minutes ago.. she might still be up..



y/n: Tell me something completely random

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