Chapter 23

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You were having a pretty normal day, you attended your classes, you were able to recover your work on your laptop, you completed your assignments.. there was nothing special in the day.. except J-Hope's Selca on weverse, which was just BEAUTIFUL.. as usual..

You hadn't heard from M the entire day, somehow that was bothering you.. but you didn't dwell too much on it..

The next day you decided to take everything easy.. once a month you would take out a day for yourself wherein you'd do nothing, or maybe catch up on everything..

You'd either lie in bed all day or you'd catch up on your favorite series, run BTS episodes, watch random BTS videos, Bon Voyage, or read..

Today you decided to read fan fictions on wattpad.. 

Why not ruin my day by imagining stuff that is never gonna happen?

So you started a Namjoon fan fiction.. Namjoon texted a wrong number..y/n and Namjoon ended up falling in love..

Bitch what? That doesn't happen.. 

Halfway through the book you remembered you had to do something.. something you had to do long back but apparently forgot.. 

You opened instagram and FINALLY stalked Diego's profile..

Hot Damn.. What does this dude eat?

You kinda were expecting hot pictures.. but there were A LOT of them..

You took screenshots of his entire feed and sent them to Maia and Eric...

Eric was most certainly drooling.. you could tell that from his thirst texts..

Maia probably wanted to say something but her loyalty to Taehyung was coming in the way.. she couldn't care less about her boyfriend..

And then it happened.. just for 5 minutes.. you left your phone for 5 fucking minutes and when you came back your entire world was coming crashing down.. you didn't know if you should cry out of happiness, break stuff, bang your head on the wall, throw yourself out of the window.. 


BTS had just tweeted something.. and you had no idea how to react to that..

Eric and Maia had already called you 19 times, Mia was banging the door of your room.. but you still hadn't gathered yourself..

You needed a distraction, so you texted M..

y/n: Tell me something completely random

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