Chapter 44

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As promised, Eric got lots of vodka and by 8pm the three of you were ready to start your party.

You stole whiskey from your mom's secret stash but mentally promised yourself not to mix the two drinks or the results might be disastrous.. 

On the terrace of your house you were blasting loud BTS songs, if the neighbors were gonna get mad, so be it.. you were too elated to even consider reducing the volume.

About 5 shots later;

"Isn't that Diego?" Maia pointed to a figure on the terrace of the other house.

When you looked closer, you could see Diego with his younger sister, they were flying a drone together.

"Oh how cute, he plays with his sister, he's a nice guy" Maia said,  you weren't sure of her cheeks were red because she was blushing or if it was the alcohol.

Does she have a crush on him? Then why the fuck is she trying to set me up with him?

"Hey Diegoooo" Eric shouted.

"Oh hey guys" he squinted to look at all of you and probably laid his eyes on the bottle of vodka in your hand, "are you guys drinking?"

"No" you said, "we're celebrating!"

"That's cool" he said, "what's the occasion?" 

You told him the reason why you were celebrating and his sister was jumping up and down, excited for all of you. 

"Should we call him here?" Eric asked both of you in a low voice.

"No, I'm too drunk right now" Maia said, you looked back at her asking for an explanation, she just said, "I'm weird when I'm drunk"

"You're always weird Maia" Eric said.

"We're going for the concert too!" his sister said.

"Yeah, even I'm going with her" Diego said, "but we aren't going for the fan sign"

"I'm so happy for all of you, say hi to Jungkook for me, please?" she said.

"Yes of course!" you said.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow y/n?" Diego asked you.

"Uh- yeah" you said, for a second you had forgotten what he was talking about.

"Cool, I'll pick you up around 1pm" he said.

"Perfect" you said as he headed back downstairs.

The three of you were dancing the night away, singing with the worst voices, getting all Korean lyrics wrong with great confidence.. you weren't even realizing what you were drinking anymore..was it vodka or whiskey, you had no idea.

"I'm gonna make some embarrassing videos of us now" Eric claimed, "we're gonna show them to my kids with Jin" he was clearly swaying..

"Yeah right" you said, "we're gonna show them how bad we are at singing Korean but nothing would ever stop us"

"Yay, let's do it, Taehyung and I would also show them to our kids" Maia said, clearly trying to focus on you while speaking but failing to do so.

Eric grabbed the nearest phone, which happened to be yours and at that very moment 'Dynamite' started playing;

"Oh we're lucky" you said while giggling, "started off with an English song" still giggling.

Okay I'm definitely drunk now...why the fuck can't I stop giggling..

Eric made a video of Maia's and your pathetic attempt to copy the choreography of Dynamite while singing the song in your amazingly annoying voice.

This went on for plenty of songs, Dope, ON, Anpanman, MIC Drop, IDOL, Boy with luv, Bapsae, Fire, Ddaeng, Dionysus, Pied Piper, Blood Sweat & Tears, DNA, Go Go, by the time Magic Shop came up, all three of you were crying...

After crying your eyeballs out, Eric started singing Moon and then Epiphany, after which he started crying..again.. you made a video of him and decided to definitely show it to him when he would sober up..

This was followed by Maia's solo performance on The Truth Untold, then Sweet Night, then Winter Bear...she had such a melodious voice.. okay maybe it was the alcohol thinking.. but her voice was still better than Eric's and yours...

Now it was your turn, you decided to sing Daechwita..

Why did I even choose this? I can't even sing one word when I'm sober, let alone drunk and wasted...

After your failed attempt at this song, you sang Ego, then Moonchild, then Still with you...

"Y/n can you stop singing? Eric whined, "my ears are bleeding"

"Yes please" Maia added.

"No, we've covered all of them BUT Jimin is still left" you said.

"Oh no, please don't ruin a Jimin song for me" Eric said.

"She won't listen to you Eric" Maia said, "I know which song she's gonna choose"

"Which one?" Eric asked.

"Pro-" Maia started;


"Exactly" Maia said, "let me make a video, she's going to want to see this in the morning" she laughed.

"Honjaaaa jucho anjaaaa, sengaaa manko jiogaaaa,onje buto, nonal apu gehe tonga, nojo chaado moru jaana" you started singing in a horrible voice.

You knew Maia was making a video, so you'd occasionally go very close to the camera and sing while looking straight into it... you were so lost in the song that you didn't even notice when you had started crying..

It's such a beautiful song..

Eric was recording now and Maia was begging you to stop... but you obviously didn't..

Once it was over, you had the sudden urge to throw up..

I shouldn't have mixed the drinks..

"I'm sending this to Diego from y/n's phone" Eric said, "this is gonna be fun"

"She's gonna kill you" Maia said.

"Yeah we'll deal with that later, I cant even see properly, I hope I'm sending it to the right person" he said.

"Hey stob it" you shouted at Eric, "give me back my phone you asshole"

"Too late" he said and threw your phone close by.

"You bitch, you're buying me a new phone now if this breaks" you said.

"Yeah fine, one last song and then I have a feeling I'm gonna pass out" Eric said, "leave your phone, I didn't send it to anyone, I was just messing with you"

With that you sang Spring day, the queen of all songs and slept cuddled up with each other, thank god your mom had left blankets on the roof..

This was sorta fun to write...

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