Chapter 1- Brunette's Do it Better

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Alexandra's Point of View

"Babe. I'm telling you what I saw! You had your hands all over her and she had the same. It's her or me. Take your pi-" I screamed as he put his arms on my shoulders and shoved me. Hard. I felt myself falling and no one hears my screams. It was the same thing every night.

I landed on the cold linoleum of my college dorm from falling or rolling out of my bed for the second night this week. The nightmares wouldn't stop, even though I had ended the relationship with my ex boyfriend months ago.

"Alex? Are you okay?" My roommate called from across our shared dorm.

"Yup. Don't worry about me," I stand up and rub my most likely bruised back. "Just have to get ready to fly home." I groped my surroundings in hopes of finding my clothes without turning on the light, disturbing her even more. I threw on a pair of yoga pants, a random Dallas Stars t-shirt, with a Boston Bruins sweatshirt over it. Smirking to myself knowing that my family would kill me when they found out I had jumped on the Stars bandwagon. The pitter-patter of rain hitting against our window was hypnotic, "Is it seriously raining right now? Better than snow, I guess. I'm stealing your Hunter boots," I said to Rose as I stole them from their space by the door and slipped them on. "It doesn't rain in New Mexico anyways so you'll be okay." I heard her mumble in agreement from her bed. "Can I at least have a hug good bye?" Turning so I was hovering over her bed and then ripped her covers off like she would to me.

"What was that for?" She shot up, blue eyes wild and then started to whine. "What did I ever do to you?"

"Let me book a flight to back to Boston at five thirty?" I put my hand on my hip and shot her a death glare which I then ruined by smiling.

Rose rolled her eyes as she stood up and wrapped me in a hug. "Have a safe trip to Boston okay Ally? The only calls I want are saying you landed or saying you met T-Segs okay?"

I laughed at her silliness as I hugged her back. "We both know the second one's a long shot and I'll call you once the craziness of being home is over. You're still coming for New Years though right?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world. Take care of yourself okay Alex? Are you sure you don't want to come home with me? My parents would understand."

"Thanks Rose, but I really need to deal with everything back home. Although I might be coming home with you after New Years," I say smiling sadly.

"Okay. Have a safe flight."

"I will. You too."

I grabbed my luggage and walked out of our dorm building, because it was Christmas time the school was running round trip shuttles to the airport for all of us traveling home during the holidays. I got on the bus and sat in an empty seat in the middle, putting my headphones in. It wasn't that I wasn't social but not this early in the morning. The familiar opening chords of She's From Boston by Kenny Chesney played through my ears. The song was relatable. I hadn't run off to a tropical island, but the line 'The girl she was in New England is different now and dead' couldn't have been more true. After last summer I don't know why I wanted to return but I have no where else to stay here. Going home to Boston wasn't going to be pleasant, but it was something that needed to be done. Boston was my past, Dallas was my future. Although, it wouldn't be the first time going back to Boston would mess up my future.

We eventually pulled into airport and I grew more impatient. The thought of going home ominously filled my head as I made my way through the baggage claim and security

"I hate going through security," I muttered to the college guy behind me.

"You've got something to hide?" He questioned, his green eyes narrowing at me.

"Only the fact that I'm a Stars fan. My family is going to freak when they find out," I smiled at the guy. He was cute, but seemed too sweet for my liking.

"Good luck with that then."

I laughed awkwardly thankful that this conversation was over. Looks like I'm not finding the love of my life at this airport, I thought to myself. I made my way to the gate and sat across from a guy was who slouched and with a Stars hat pulled down low like he was trying to avoid recognition. I pulled my phone out of the purse Rose had given to me for my Christmas present and shot a quick text to my mom.

Me: < at the airport. should be boarding eventually. cant wait to be home! >

To my surprise she responded almost automatically.

Mom: < oh. didnt know you were coming home today. please let me know next time. >

Me: < ive let you know twice mom. im sorry for the inconvenience. >

"Blondes do it better," I heard from in front of me drawing my attention away from my screen.

"I'm sorry?" I asked the guy, who had a slight smirk playing on his face.

"Your case," He motioned to my phone case Rose had bought me as a joke.

"And? What about it?"

"Blondes do it better," he glanced around and continued, giving me a charming smile. "I'm Tyler Seguin, I think I'd know."

My heart stopped. Here I was sitting in front of one of most famous - and hottest NHL players. This was bound to be good. "Ah yes, Tyler Seguin, Boston's infamous party boy. That's why they traded you, correct?" I mimicked his previous actions. "I'm Alexandra Dawson, and I think you're wrong about the blondes."

He grumbled back a response, clearly taken by my description of him.

"Oh no! Did I hurt your feelings?" I called out falsely sympathetic. I was taking the stress of going back home on out on him, but I would apologize eventually.

"No, no and no. Blondes just let go. Brunettes think too much."

"Yeah, well. Brunettes will still think with their heads, so you don't have to worry about lawsuits the next morning."

Tyler fell speechless but he was still giving me an annoyingly charming smile. Probably how he's been with so many girls, I thought.

"What's that pretty boy? Never heard a girl prove you wrong before?" I smirked as his charming smile fell from his face.

"Um. Not unless they're my sisters or my mother. Never a fan. " he nodded forwards my shirt, a general Dallas Stars long sleeve. I reached into my bag and put on my bruins sweatshirt.


A/N: So, here's the first chapter. We've met Tyler and they haven't gotten along great! I love reading feedback & suggestions for this chapter (& story!) Thank you so much for choosing to start this journey with me. I'll try to get the second chapter out by the end of this week! (I'm going to aim for once a week updates!)

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