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3rd POV

After the phone call Hinata, Ibuki, Yuusuke, and Manabu are walking to Rai's house when Ibuki asked how Hinata entered the rugby team when he is quite small.

"Are you telling me that short people cant play Rugby!" Hinata spat.

"What- Hey I didnt say that!" Ibuki said while scratching the back of his neck.

When they arrived at Rai's house the Chairman was the first person they greeted as they opened that door.

"Hello Chairman!" Ibuki and Manabu said.

"Appa!" while the brothers greeted with pride.

This made Ibuki look at the two.... And thats when he noticed that they look like brothers and I like one also.

"Y-your brothers? And the c-chairman is your dad!" Ibuki stuttered.

" Yeah what about it blondie!" Hinata mocked as he looked at Ibukis appearance.

" Yeah what about it blondie!" Hinata mocked as he looked at Ibukis appearance

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Ibuki Isuke^

"So what sport do you play Ibuki-kun?" Manabu asked as he studied Ibukis built appearance.

"Oh well I play rugby!" Ibuki answered quite exited.

(Reference:Number 24 anime 1-12 ep only COMPLETED)

They were talking happily when a tall guy seated beside Hinata playing with his phone.

They were talking happily when a tall guy seated beside Hinata playing with his phone

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Cadis Etrama Di Raizel^

"Rai you live here too?!" Ibuki asked shocked looking around the house which looked like a castle if you ask him.

"Hai..... This is our mansion." Rai replied in a cold voice which made Yuusuke laugh.

"Dad you should really stop talking like that and be more authorative, and why do you never grow old same with Appa?" Hinata said boredly.

"Sunshine did you forget what we are?" Frankenstein said looking at Ibuki as he smiled.

"Dont worry we wont devour you Ibuki HAHAHA!" Yuusuke joked as he laughed while falling on the floor.

"W-WAIT d-did you just call Rai... Dad?! You g-guys literally look like your in the same grade I-" Ibuki sputtered as he panics.

"We wont kill you tss... We are Nobles our dad or Rai is a Noblesse the one and only highest noble there is.. We are kinda like vampires." Hinata said while eating Ramen.

They continued talking with eachother and didnt even notice that is was already night time.

Ibuki was about to stand up when a Man tall and built as him entered the house.

He looked at the man and was shock. It was his team mate Sei.

"Sei?! What the heck are you doing- wait you also have red eyes and you- does that mean your one of them?!" Ibuki asked

But Sei just nod as Yuusuke, Manabu and Takio laugh.

"Heh his Hinata's boyfriend bahahaha Yu laughed as Tao kicked his leg because Hinata looked like he is ready to kill.

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