{Chapter 4}

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Catheline's POV:

It was getting dark and I was in my chambers, almost about to rest. My pet bird was on the bed and I was caressing it while staring out the window. Today had been exhausting for me. I had just learned so much information that might assist me in learning more about my husband. To lower his walls around me and to help him fight his trauma.

I sighed and put my feet on the soft mattress and Mimy went further to the bedpost. I was glad that I had her. She was one of the reasons for my sanity. A feeling of acquaintance in this castle of unfamiliarity.

I smiled as I moved toward the night table and took the book placed on it. Out of nowhere, I heard loud voices from the outside. I shot my eyes to the window and threw my book aside on the blanket gently. I quickly lifted my gown and ran toward the window.

Down below, were many guards in their official attire, roaming around with swords and torches in their hands. Everyone was shouting at each other, making it unclear what words were being spoken. But some of them managed to fall on my ears.

"Find the assassin!" She heard someone yelling. "Search the entire gardens and leave no pebble unturned!"

It was Nathaniel. My heart did a quick flip as I looked away after shutting the window close. An assassin?... What was going on? My eyes moved toward the secret cavity that held my sword. I quickly lurched toward it and opened the top. But when I grabbed my sword, I heard a hurried knock on the door.

"Catheline!? Open the door!


I hastily placed my sword back and closed the top securely before calming myself and approaching the door. When I opened it, I saw a nervous Xander looking at me. He was out of breath, I could see that. When his eyes fell on me, he sighed in relief.

"What happened, Xander?" I asked as I moved backward for him to enter.

He walked into the room and observed it for a moment before turning to me. "Are you fine? Did you see anyone?"

I shook my head and he nodded. "We just saw someone unknown in the gardens,"

I was stunned at his words. Someone had entered the castle without the knowledge of anyone. I bit my lip, trying to understand what was going on. Who would send this person? What was their purpose?...

"I am glad to see you are fine, My Queen..." Xander said as he walked forward. But he placed an appropriate distance between us. "I shall leave now. Do not leave this room until dawn---"

I took full advantage of the situation and held his hands. He was stunned by my actions but did not protest.

"Stay, please," I begged, internally cringing at myself for the sudden idea. "I...I feel afraid if you are not with me,"

Goodness. I was aware of how pathetic I sounded. But it was needed. To make sure he stays here so I could not only confirm my suspicions but also ask him about this fiasco going on outside. He looked at me intensely before he cleared his throat and nodded.

"I can stay here for a few moments..."

I smiled genuinely and led him toward my bed and searched around for Mimy. It was perched on the bedpost, with her eyes closed. Xander sat on the bed and I followed him soon.

"What happened?..." I asked him, trying to keep the minimum distance between us as possible.

He sighed and ruffled his hair slowly while looking at the floor. "I and Nathaniel---"

I thinned my lips in strange disapproval while he continued to speak without noticing my actions.

"---We were walking in the gardens, discussing the kingdom's finances when I saw a...a shadow,"

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