{Chapter 113}

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Catheline's POV:

My mind was alert as I walked towards the door. Gillian stood out there, his weapons in his hands and his eyes wide.

"We have to go!" he shouted and then looked back.

"What is the situation?"

"I'm not sure," the boy muttered. He was on his heels, just in case someone jumped onto us. "But the top priority is to take you somewhere safe."

I placed my hand on my stomach and peered through the dark halls. "Are our men alerted from whatever this is?"

"I saw Sir Vincent killing someone when I went to take a look," Gillian shouted and held my arm.

I took a deep breath and then remembered something. "Merline."


"Merline!" I grabbed the boy's hands. "Gillian, you have to bring her here!"

In the dark, I saw his eyes sparkle and the moment he opened his mouth, he drowned my ears with protests.

"I'm tasked with protecting you! You can't ask this of me---"

"I can't let her in harm's way!" I walked out the door. When I did, I sensed something move in the shadows and tried to move but Gillian was faster. In a flash of a second, his dagger flew across the hall and I heard a groan.

"We have to leave!" he shouted before walking towards the shadows. Clutching my stomach carefully, I followed him.

Gillian retrieved his weapon from the body before finishing off the man. Somehow, I guessed who must have been the one who was responsible for this sudden attack.

"They can't be in large numbers," I told Gillian while he held my hand and led me away from the halls. "By now, the guards in the city's defense must be alerted."

"How much time till they arrive?"

"Thirty minutes."

I was surprised at how calm my behavior was. It was a perilous situation and a few months ago, I would've grabbed one of Gillian's daggers and defeated the assailants myself.

But first, I need to protect my child.

I can't let history repeat itself.

After a while, we arrived at Merline's chambers. She had taken up a chamber that was near mine. I knocked on the door and heard her trembling voice. And loud barking.

"Who's there!?"

"It's me."

After a few moments and reshuffling of furniture, the doors opened and the woman gave me a sigh of relief. She would've embraced me if her dog wasn't in her arms.

"The kitchens could be safe," Gillian said, looking front and back at the hallway.

I was about to say something but stopped when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. Merline gasped and shifted her pet to the other arm while she held one of mine.

"We have to move her," she said and I nodded.

The men already knew where my chambers were. It was for the best if I stayed somewhere else.

The three of us made our way to the halls which seemed quiet and so far, we didn't meet a single assassin. Or kidnapper. I didn't know what they wanted from me. But I was sure it was no good.

Just as we made a turn to the hall, we bumped into someone and Gillian went in for the stab.

"It's me!" I heard a familiar voice. The man ducked the blade and held the boy in a chokehold.

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