{Chapter 101}

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Eustice Colton:

The time we were assigned was over.

We have collected plenty of information during the last two months. Now, it was time for us to make it back to Anthreal. The real question was how.

It was a tricky issue but in the end, I decided to trust Shayne and his men. Until now, I nor my companions have been taken to the treacherous King; which proved that Shayne could be trusted.

"I don't know what they're trying to pull off," Desmond whispered, as he paced around in my tent. "We have a few minutes before twilight. And then they asked us to head to where the horses are kept,"

"We would be damned if all of this is a big trap," Aaron sighed, sitting next to me.

"It is worth a try," I replied. I had to admit how nervous I was even if I wasn't going to say it. "Even if we get caught, you know what our end goal is."

All our things were sealed. We didn't have much to pack except for our weapons and some clothes. The three of us were waiting, calm and patiently for the 'big scene'.

"I'm heading out." Desmond sighed. He held his sword and walked towards the entrance. "I have to take a look- good old stew!"

I noticed that he had bumped into someone. My fingers immediately curled around my sword, only to find out that it was Gillian. The boy looked at Desmond, who was staring down at him with curious eyes.

"Gillian," I called him, getting to my feet.

The boy looked at me before approaching me. It had been a while since I let on our secret to him, something my comrades despised. But now was the time he spoke of his decision: would he join them or stay here?

"I've thought about what you said," Gillian sighed. He was all dressed up, daggers at his hip. And somehow, I knew his answer.

"Kid, you have to be kidding me," Aaron groaned, running his fingers through his hair. He had a neutral opinion about Gillian. But mostly, I knew that he secretly admired the boy for his skills. "We are already on a string. Don't give us bad news,"

Gillian gave him a raised eyebrow before crossing his arms. "I'm coming with you all."

My smile widened as our eyes met. He could have never made a more correct decision. I trusted that I saw some goodness in him.

"So that makes the four of us," Desmond returned. He was pleased by the looks of it. He kept a hand on Gillian's shoulder. "Thank you for trusting us, soldier,"

Gillian blushed brightly. "I must
thank you for trusting me," he looked at his feet. "I don't want to cause any more harm. I want revenge..." he whispered the last part.

"A happy union of lads," Aaron clapped his hands. "Now let---"

The sound of footsteps echoed outside, causing all of us to shudder. And soon enough, we all were in a hurry, sprinting outside.

All the men were walking towards the inner circle. Angry whispers and mutters lingered in the air, causing me to give an unsure glance at my friends.

"This is it?" Desmond whispered. "We're supposed to go to the stables now?"

"I think so..." I replied. We weren't given much information than what we were told. And I didn't dare ask what Shayne was planning to achieve.

All of the mercenaries had gathered outside the bigger tent, the one that housed the man responsible for this division, Lieutenant Fischer. The men stood unorganized, as this was not a soldier division. Discipline was a lacking element.

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