{Chapter 9}

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Xander's POV:

"Do you not think you gave her the cold shoulder for quite some time now?" I heard Lady Daraa ask, without any hesitation.

We were in my study. And the look on her face says that she was about to give me one of those lectures of hers.

"Daraa, I told you a long time ago," I put my quill down and looked up. "I have no interest or idea on how to build a proper relationship with her,"

She sighed impatiently before looking out the window. She just entered and began speaking of this issue. Surely, this must have been on her mind for some time.

"You need to talk to her about this," She said sternly. "She is not just any other woman, Xander. She is your wife and your Queen,"

"Catheline understands this," I began. "There shall be no need of this---"

"You have no choice," she interrupted sharply while curling her fists. "I was the one who chose her. Hence, it falls in my concern about her well-being,"

Her words were floating in tones of a warning. But what else could I do? No matter what I do, I just could not make myself...love my wife.

"She left her home just to have this arranged marriage, Your Majesty," I heard Daraa speak. This time, her voice was soft. "It is not easy for a woman to leave her family to make another. She misses her homeland and at the least, you can make sure that she feels at home here. After all, you are her husband. Being a husband is not just to perform your marital duties. You can simply establish a relationship where both of you feel comfortable with each other,"

I fell silent at her words. She spoke them, not from her mind, but from her heart. She spoke them out of her experience. Daraa never spoke of her family unless I asked about them. Her husband had passed years ago, even before I was born and she has three children. She rarely visits them these days.

"Go talk to her," Daraa told me before walking toward the door. But she stopped midway. "Also, bring that wolf of yours back in his confinement. Such a dangerous beast should not be allowed to roam freely,"

"Understood," It had been a while since Lestor stretched his legs. I sent Nathaniel to keep an eye on him, just in case he misbehaves.

The door closed, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Besides, she had a point. After what happened between us that night we caught the spy, I knew to some extent that Catheline felt something for me.

Tonight was the night I confirm whatever feelings she has left for me and end them.

Catheline's POV:

I stared for quite some time before returning to my bed and picking up a book to read. Since Karra was about to return with the snacks, I have to stay awake for some time. Sleep was almost at the edge but the nerve-wracking drama I was reading allowed me to stay awake.

Just then, I heard a knock on the door. That should be her. I put the book aside and got to my feet. If Karra gets caught by a particular someone, she could get in trouble. Snackeries were not allowed to be baked after evening. But I was an exception because I was the Queen.

I opened the door hurriedly, expecting one but seeing a different person made me rooted to the spot.

"Xander?..." I muttered in shock. "What are you..."

"I had something to say. May I come in?" he said, with a calm voice. But I could tell by his face that he was nervous.

He was still working, judging by his outfit. I nodded my permission and moved back, allowing him to enter. When he did, I quickly shut the door and turned to look at him curiously. We did not speak much after his 'beautiful' words the other day.

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