{Chapter 26}

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Catheline's POV:

I woke up with a sharp pain in my head. My eyes jerked open as my entire body felt extremely uncomfortable. I groaned while looking around. I was asleep on the floor.

How did I end up here?

Using the support of the bed, I stood up. My vision was blurry and my head was still aching.

Was I dying?

I shook the ominous thought away when the door opened. My eyes shot up only to find out that it was not the cheerful Karra, but the other maid, Winona.

"Good morning, Your Grace," she greeted with a bow.

"Where is Karra?..." I stammered and found my voice weak.

"She had been feeling unwell, Your Grace," Winona replied blankly. "Hence, she asked me to go in her stead,"

My mind went void when she finished speaking. I fell onto the bed, feeling devasted at the fact that I lost the person who cared for me the most. It felt as if a thousand needles were stabbed into my heart and it was obstructing me from doing anything else.

At this point, tears were unavoidable.

It felt so distant without my companion. Lady Daraa, after seeing how nauseous and weak I was, sent me back to my chambers to rest. Winona had accomplished her tasks efficiently but there was something amiss. She was not Karra.

I sat on the bed, wearing something comfortable. I decided to devise a plan on how to apologize to Karra for what I did. I looked beside me and found the snacks she brought for me last night.

If Ellen is involved, would it not be taking the risk?

I pushed the thought away when I felt the familiar pang of hunger. I grabbed a muffin and took a nibble off it.

Nothing odd was noticed by me. It tasted normal as it should. I continued eating it. They were always baked according to my preference and it just brought more weight of sadness to my mind. I might have poisoned my relationship with my favorite maid and a person who I had considered a friend. Just then, Winona came into the room, holding a bowl carefully.

"What is that?"

"Madam Daraa ordered me to have you drink this, Your Grace," she replied as she approached me.

I took a peek to see some dark-colored liquid. It looked ever so chilling and mysterious to me that I feared even looking at it.

"What is this?" I squirmed in sudden disgust.

"She said that it was medicine for your uneasiness,"

I took a deep breath as I took the bowl with shaky hands. It looked even nastier at a closer view. I almost lost my hold on I and looked at the girl in front of me.

"Must I drink this?"

"Madam Daraa would punish me..." she replied, avoiding my gaze.

I looked away, remembering that I am not quite used to her. She is a nice person though. I took a look at the medicine again and taking a deep breath, I drank it whole.

Saying that it was awful would be an understatement.

I immediately threw the bowl aside in the bed because my insides felt as if they were on fire.

"Take that away from me..." I whispered, wiping my lips and trying to forget the taste.

But it stuck to my tongue. Winona nodded and picked up the bowl. Soon after that, she turned to leave.

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