{Chapter 16}

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Catheline's POV:

I woke up to the slight sound of chirping the next morning.

"Hmm..." I whispered and slowly tried to open my eyes.

The first thing I noticed after opening my eyes was the empty cold side of the bed. I rested my hand in that space and the memories of what occurred last night came rushing to my head.
I blushed slightly and pushed myself to sit.

To my shock, my body ached lightly whenever I moved. It was at that moment that I realized what my caretaker told me before my marriage was true.

"You might feel sore and light-headed after your first time... but it depends!"

I held my cheeks and felt how much warm they were. Last night felt like a dream and I still could not believe that it occurred in reality. I smiled sheepishly before pulling the duvets closer to myself. Not until that point did I realize that was I already clothed. It was the nightgown from last night but I could feel how loosely bound it felt around my body.

"Xander," I whispered to myself.

My eyes again turned to the empty side of the bed. Did he leave early? Well, that was expected of him. A sudden rush of fear filled my mind.

He said many sweet words last night and I was afraid that I might forget them. I brushed my hair with my fingers absentmindedly, remembering how gentle he was. From the words, he spoke to the kisses he planted on me, I was enjoying every moment of it. I just hoped that this night might repeat.

The door opened suddenly, startling me to the core. I looked up to find Karra walking toward me slowly.

"Good morning, Your Grace," she greeted. "You look...different,"

She watched me with a titled head while I returned a grin. I quickly moved back and hugged my pillow tightly.

"Did you...have a nice dream last night?" she asked, curious to know.

I sighed and looked at her. "Well...I know it was not a dream,"

I urged Karra to come closer and when she did, I leaned forward, with a sheepish smile. She still did not understand until she noticed the marks on my neck. Seeing those, she gasped loudly.

"So you did finally notice them---"

"Your Grace!" she yelled furiously. "Have the filthy mosquitoes bothered you?"

I blinked twice before frowning. What?

"My apologies, I should have looked around more carefully for those damned creatures, Your Grace," she bowed and looked at me with an upset face.

I stared at her before laughing at her silliness. She, on the other hand, began frowning in confusion.

"No, you silly girl," I said when my laughter subsided. "It was not the mosquitos! It was...well...it was the King,"

Hearing that, she gasped even louder and packed her hands in her mouth. I waited for her to speak but she did not, for a while. Finally, she seemed to understand what happened last night.

"The King?" she repeated and pointed at my neck. "Was that...him?"

I nodded quietly and she seemed to be rejoicing for me. She came forward and knelt beside my bed with a beaming face.

"I am so happy for you, Your Grace!" she spoke cheerily. "Seeing you smile after a long time makes me the most delighted,"

I pinched her cheek playfully before hugging myself.

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